Contributed by planetmarshall May/23 - This public ticklist has been seen 686 times

All the Three Star HVS routes in the BMC Peak Gritstone definitive guides

Solstice Sunset on the Sloth  © Ben.with.ven
Solstice Sunset on the Sloth
© Ben.with.ven, Jun 2021

12 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st nickcanute 88% 24 Mar
2nd Hidden 78% 18 May
3rd Hidden 65% 24 Mar
4th planetmarshall 55% 31 May
5th PaulJepson 50% 1 Jun
6th paulinepavlova 23% 5 May
7th petecallaghan 18% 27 May
8th Jesus_C 11% 24 Apr
9th Goweli 8% 31 May
10th Aoife 6% 15 Oct, 2023

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Trad

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

The Sloth, Roaches

The Sloth
The Sloth, Roaches
© Gordon Stainforth

Sunset slab sport

Sunset Slab
Sunset slab sport
© Ollie B


© Jon Read

Will hanging around on The Sloth, The Roaches.

The Sloth
Will hanging around on The Sloth, The Roaches.
© Jack jk

Autumn perfection on Froggatt

Chequers Buttress
Autumn perfection on Froggatt
© Chris Craggs

Rebecca Ting on the final flake of Suicide Wall, Cratcliffe.

Suicide Wall
Rebecca Ting on the final flake of Suicide Wall, Cratcliffe.
© Paul Evans

Catching the sun on Bond Street, HVS 5a

Bond Street
Catching the sun on Bond Street, HVS 5a
© Iain Mount

Laudi on 'Plexity'

Laudi on 'Plexity'
© Andrew Marshall

Unconventional tactics on Tody's Wall.  Ben saying "...don't you dare post this on UKC!"

Tody's Wall
Unconventional tactics on Tody's Wall. Ben saying "...don't you dare post this on UKC!"
© 1234None

MarkH topping out on Tody's Wall, HVS 5a Froggatt, much to the bemusement of the spectators.

Tody's Wall
MarkH topping out on Tody's Wall, HVS 5a Froggatt, much to the bemusement of the spectators.
© MarkH

Rivelin or Easter Island? Leah Crane enjoying Croton Oil

Croton Oil
Rivelin or Easter Island? Leah Crane enjoying Croton Oil
© Paul Phillips - UKC and UKH

No-hands rest on The Sloth ? Matt Culley exploring a new beta for the climb...

The Sloth
No-hands rest on The Sloth ? Matt Culley exploring a new beta for the climb...
© JacobIsaac772

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Knight's Move HVS 5a *** 4477 16m Burbage North
Brooks' Crack HVS 5a *** 363 14m Burbage South Edge
Lyons Corner House Direct HVS 5a ** 530 28m Millstone Edge
Plexity HVS 5a *** 1140 22m Millstone Edge
Bond Street HVS 5a *** 3797 20m Millstone Edge
Great Portland Street HVS 5b *** 2840 20m Millstone Edge
Great North Road HVS 5a *** 2965 32m Millstone Edge
Blizzard Ridge HVS 5a *** 2125 14m Rivelin Edge
Great Buttress HVS 5a *** 498 20m Dovestone Tor
Neb Buttress HVS 5a *** 1153 20m Bamford Edge
Surgeon's Saunter HVS 5b *** 603 18m Stanage North
Terrazza Crack HVS 5b *** 1038 12m Stanage North
Right-hand Tower HVS 5a *** 759 16m Stanage North
The Blurter HVS 5b *** 866 22m Stanage North
Kelly's Overhang E1 5c *** 1189 16m Stanage North
Tower Crack HVS 5b ** 303 24m Stanage Plantation
Tower Face HVS 5a ** 1364 26m Stanage Plantation
Goliath's Groove HVS 5a *** 2556 22m Stanage Plantation
The Right Unconquerable HVS 5a *** 3680 16m Stanage Plantation
The Scoop HVS 5b *** 1292 16m Stanage Popular
Congo Corner HVS 5b *** 1654 24m Stanage Popular
Queersville HVS 5a *** 3895 16m Stanage Popular
Croton Oil HVS 5a *** 2932 20m Rivelin Edge
Sunset Slab HVS 4b *** 4639 14m Froggatt Edge
Tody's Wall HVS 5a *** 7107 18m Froggatt Edge
Valkyrie HVS 5a *** 2512 20m • 2 Froggatt Edge
Zapple HVS 5b *** 581 20m Yarncliffe
Avalanche Wall HVS 5a ** 2019 12m Curbar Edge
Green Crack HVS 5b *** 577 11m Curbar Edge
Maupassant HVS 5a *** 1529 11m Curbar Edge
Chequers Buttress HVS 5a *** 4383 14m Froggatt Edge
Corpse Crack HVS 5b *** 82 10m Eastwood Rocks
Great Crack HVS 5a *** 264 25m Duke's Quarry
The Peapod HVS 5b *** 1796 16m Curbar Edge
Suicide Wall HVS 5b *** 1473 30m • 2 Cratcliffe Tor
Teck Crack E1 5c ** 129 24m • 2 Roaches Lower Tier
Matinee HVS 5b ** 361 24m Roaches Lower Tier
The Mincer HVS 5b *** 786 24m Roaches Lower Tier
Saul's Crack HVS 5a *** 1694 18m Roaches Upper Tier
The Sloth HVS 5a *** 2340 24m Roaches Upper Tier
Rubberneck HVS 5a *** 572 14m The Five Clouds
Crabbie's Crack HVS 5a *** 404 16m The Five Clouds
Delstree HVS 5a *** 438 18m Hen Cloud
Hen Cloud Eliminate HVS 5b *** 497 18m Hen Cloud
Bachelor's Left-hand HVS 5b *** 660 24m Hen Cloud
The Crippler HVS 5a *** 162 12m Ramshaw Rocks
The Helix HVS 5a *** 28 22m Harston Rocks
Kilkenny Rib HVS 5b *** 1 11m Kinder Downfall
Legacy HVS 5a *** 283 20m Kinder Northern...
Intestate E1 5b *** 126 18m Kinder Northern...
Twisted Smile HVS 5a *** 129 16m Kinder Northern...
Parker's Eliminate HVS 5a *** 1388 14m Hobson Moor Quarry
Alcove Crack HVS 5a *** 789 20m New Mills Torrs
Priscilla Ridge HVS 5a *** 96 20m Laddow
East Rib HVS 5a *** 432 14m Shining Clough
Pisa Super Direct HVS 5a *** 736 20m Shining Clough
Trinnacle East HVS 5a ** 65 12m The Ravenstones
Freddie's Finale HVS 5b *** 169 14m Wimberry Rocks
The Trident E1 5b *** 134 20m Wimberry Rocks
Ricochet Wall E1 5b *** 149 20m Shooter's Nab
5 e, 173 stars 81,549 1,112m 63
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