Contributed by J.macgr Sep/23 - This public ticklist has been seen 189 times

A really good route  © petegunn
A really good route
© petegunn, Aug 2008

2 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st stev1e.wilso 15% 30 Apr
2nd J.macgr 1% 11 May

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Sport

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

'Snow Joke'

World in Action
'Snow Joke'
© nigel baker

Sunny Day at Gigglsewick South

Black Swan Rising
Sunny Day at Gigglsewick South
© B.D.Shah

Approaching the crux on Silent Laughter, Giggleswick South.

Silent Laughter
Approaching the crux on Silent Laughter, Giggleswick South.
© Carl Smethurst

Conor on the well named 'Bucket Symphony' at Moughton Nab

Bucket Symphony
Conor on the well named 'Bucket Symphony' at Moughton Nab
© Dave Warburton

A really good route

Black Swan Rising
A really good route
© petegunn

Autumn sun in Yorkshire.

Bad Genie
Autumn sun in Yorkshire.
© Bob

Maya cruising through the crux of her first 6c & 6c+

Mighty Mouse
Maya cruising through the crux of her first 6c & 6c+
© mattjoynson

World in Action

World in Action
© Seymore Butt

Minds Eye

Mind's Eye
Minds Eye
© Mid1344

Ben on Mental block

Mental Bloc
Ben on Mental block
© henrygiles99

stephen leahy and Jon Kenyon climbing in the rain

Silent Laughter
stephen leahy and Jon Kenyon climbing in the rain
© daviesxxx

How do I get up there?

Hull and High Water
How do I get up there?
© petegunn

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
The Jack Flap 6b * 414 16m Troller's Gill
Dog's Breakfast 5a 81 10m Troller's Gill
Spectral Hound 6c+ 22 12m Troller's Gill
Barking Mad 5c 55 10m Troller's Gill
Bad to the Bone 6c+ 11 9m Troller's Gill
Wild Rover 6b 23 9m Troller's Gill
Jack the Russell 6a+ 18 8m Troller's Gill
Dogged Determination 7a 3 11m Troller's Gill
Puppy Power 7a 8 6m Troller's Gill
Roof, Roof! 7a 6 8m Troller's Gill
Red Setter 7a * 21 9m Troller's Gill
Heir of the Dog 7a+ * 5 9m Troller's Gill
Leads United 6c+ * 20 10m Troller's Gill
Second Edition 6c * 62 10m Troller's Gill
Booker Prize 6c * 105 9m Troller's Gill
Writers' Block 6c+ ** 104 9m Troller's Gill
Did You See? 6c * 33 10m Panorama Crag...
Hasta La Vista 6c+ * 26 10m Panorama Crag...
News Week 6c * 74 9m Panorama Crag...
Roving Reporter 6c+ 2 15m Panorama Crag...
Point's of View 6a * 118 11m Panorama Crag...
Cyclops 6b+ 9 6m Panorama Crag...
Mind's Eye 7a 15 10m Panorama Crag...
Block Buster 6b+ 22 10m Panorama Crag...
Well Armed 6b 54 10m Panorama Crag...
World in Action 6a 83 10m Panorama Crag...
Panoramic 7a+ ** 50 11m Panorama Crag...
Second Sight 6c * 11 10m Panorama Crag...
Look Out 7a 15 10m Panorama Crag...
All Seeing 7a 24 10m Panorama Crag...
Freeze Frame 6c 23 9m Panorama Crag...
Close Focus 6b * 5 13m Panorama Crag...
Distant Horizon 6c * 4 16m Panorama Crag...
Finger on the Trigger 7a * 1 12m Langcliffe Quarry
Safe at any Speed (Sport) 6b+ 32 ? Langcliffe Quarry
A Nick in Thyme 6c ** 110 22m Langcliffe Quarry
Late Night Final (Sport) 7a+ *** 67 ? Langcliffe Quarry
Constabulary Duty 7a *** 144 17m Langcliffe Quarry
WPC Lovely 6c * 26 15m Langcliffe Quarry
Moonwalk 6b+ ** 21 90m Langcliffe Quarry
The Lone Ranger 6c+ * 6 ? Langcliffe Quarry
Harry Pothole and the Great Escape 6b+ 1 20m Hull Pot
The Pit and the Pendulum 6b+ * 7 ? Hull Pot
Hull and High Water 6c 8 15m Hull Pot
Promises, Promises 6a * 86 20m Gordale Scar
Horny 6c 4 ? Gordale Scar
Shallow Water Sport 6c+ * 8 10m Gordale Scar
Flood Gates 7a 3 10m Gordale Scar
Moulin Rouge 6c * 11 34m Gordale Scar
The Twilight Zone 6b+ 7 23m Gordale Scar
First Installment 7a * 16 9m Dib Scar
Mental Bloc 6c * 64 ? Dib Scar
Actual Bolt Runners 6a ** 156 ? Dib Scar
The Argument of Silence 6b ** 28 ? Blue Scar
Blue sky thinking 6c+ * 5 ? Blue Scar
Across the Wide Blue Yonder 7a+ *** 4 56m • 2 Blue Scar
Passion off the Pitch 6b+ 13 ? Blue Scar
An Awfully Big Adventure 7a+ *** 1 61m • 2 Blue Scar
Cosmetic Surgery 6b+ 6 18m Blue Scar
Scarface 6c * 16 12m Blue Scar
Altered Images 6c+ 5 ? Blue Scar
Nip and Tuck 7a+ ** 4 26m Blue Scar
Once Bitten 6c+ ** 5 ? Blue Scar
Twice Shy 7a * 4 ? Blue Scar
The Gingerbread House 6b+ ** 18 ? Blue Scar
Fervour and Further 6b * 20 24m Blue Scar
Weighting in the Wings 6b * 21 ? Blue Scar
Heavyweight Champion 6c+ ** 13 ? Blue Scar
Blue Rinse 6b ** 11 15m Blue Scar
Rip-em off again AB 6b ** 15 ? Blue Scar
Are we Mad 6a * 13 15m Blue Scar
Settle Festival 4a ** 518 16m Castleberg Crag
Ye Olde Naked Man 6b * 276 14m Castleberg Crag
Cave and Crag 7a *** 159 14m Castleberg Crag
The Talbot Arms 6c+ *** 53 14m Castleberg Crag
Scary Mary 7a ** 63 10m Castleberg Crag
The Settle-Carlisle Line 7a+ ** 16 30m Castleberg Crag
Give us a Clue 6a+ 31 17m Comb Hill Crag
Nit Pick 6b+ * 32 16m Comb Hill Crag
Central Buttress 6c * 27 16m Comb Hill Crag
The Big Groove 6a+ * 45 16m Comb Hill Crag
Cold Shoulder 6b+ 11 15m Comb Hill Crag
Clinically Annoyed 6c+ 11 15m Comb Hill Crag
Drop Test 6b+ ** 188 ? Giggleswick North
Close to Ivy 6a+ * 173 ? Giggleswick North
The Last Hurrah (Maybe!) 6a+ 27 8m Giggleswick North
Hip Op 6a+ * 31 9m Giggleswick North
Meld 6b+ 8 10m Giggleswick North
Northern Humour 6c * 41 ? Giggleswick North
Time Travel 6b+ * 24 12m Giggleswick North
Life on Mars 6b * 61 11m Giggleswick North
Resins To Be Cheerful 6c ** 162 ? Giggleswick North
Bad Genie 6c * 152 ? Giggleswick North
The Boltergeist 6b+ * 131 ? Giggleswick North
The Haunting 6b+ 30 ? Giggleswick North
Boisterous Bloater 6b * 201 ? Giggleswick North
Final Offering 6b * 261 ? Giggleswick North
Ramp Raiders 6b ** 292 15m Giggleswick North
Pole Dancing 6c+ * 39 14m Giggleswick North
Northern Sole 6a * 208 ? Giggleswick North
First Plaice 5b 142 14m Giggleswick North
Birthday Surprise 6a * 213 13m Giggleswick North
Sundowner 6b * 197 ? Giggleswick North
Film Clips 6a * 59 ? Giggleswick North
Pulp Friction 6c+ * 32 12m Giggleswick North
North of the Border 6a+ * 181 15m Giggleswick North
7a At 70 6c * 56 ? Giggleswick North
Under Pressure 6a * 313 ? Giggleswick South
Bella Calcio 6b+ ** 247 ? Giggleswick South
Stone Cold Crazy 6c ** 118 11m Giggleswick South
Deus Ex Machina 6b+ 9 ? Giggleswick South
Gee Gee Groove 6c * 5 12m Giggleswick South
Flying Change 6a 32 12m Giggleswick South
Well Shod 6a 36 10m Giggleswick South
Gael Force 6b * 61 10m Giggleswick South
Out of the Limelight 7a+ ** 73 10m Giggleswick South
Ivy League 6a 74 10m Giggleswick South
Suspend-Eid 6a * 31 15m Giggleswick South
Wicked Grin 6a+ * 23 16m Giggleswick South
Bramble Jelly 6a * 100 ? Giggleswick South
Adjusted Hours 6a+ * 100 13m Giggleswick South
Walking with Dinosaurs 6a 10 25m Giggleswick South
Uptown Girl 6b+ * 28 14m Giggleswick South
Red Dwarf 6a * 126 ? Giggleswick South
Little Britain 7a * 47 8m Giggleswick South
Get Shorty 6a+ * 111 ? Giggleswick South
Morris Dancer 5c * 101 10m Giggleswick South
Fire Cracker 6b 15 ? Giggleswick South
Tiger in the Woods 7a * 79 10m Giggleswick South
Feline Fun 6b ** 130 ? Giggleswick South
Cat-Man-Do 6a+ * 113 ? Giggleswick South
Minnie 6a+ * 171 7m Giggleswick South
Mighty Mouse 6c+ * 143 ? Giggleswick South
Taking The Mickey 6a+ * 206 ? Giggleswick South
Atomic kitten 6a * 447 ? Giggleswick South
Over The Garden wall 5c 425 ? Giggleswick South
Crazy Paver 6a+ * 182 ? Giggleswick South
The Constant Gardener 6a ** 395 ? Giggleswick South
Displacement Activity 6a+ * 169 ? Giggleswick South
Gully Bulls Travels 6b+ * 7 ? Giggleswick South
The Drummer Boy 6c * 6 ? Giggleswick South
Martha Victoria Jubiliee 7a 8 8m Giggleswick South
Comic Strip 6b+ * 31 15m Giggleswick South
Finger of Fun 7a+ * 66 15m Giggleswick South
Last Stand 6a+ * 62 ? Giggleswick South
Slappy Christmas 6c * 19 15m Giggleswick South
The Best Medicine 7a ** 152 14m Giggleswick South
Titter Ye Not 6c * 64 ? Giggleswick South
Silent Laughter 7b *** 175 14m Giggleswick South
Heavenly Whispers 6c+ ** 267 14m Giggleswick South
Rib Tickler 6c ** 241 14m Giggleswick South
Mettle Would 6b+ * 27 ? Giggleswick South
Funny Girl 5c 95 10m Giggleswick South
Lost Balls 6a+ * 56 12m Giggleswick South
Par Three 6c ** 130 10m Giggleswick South
A Big Slice 6b 9 15m Giggleswick South
Out Of Bounds 4b * 235 ? Giggleswick South
Harry Limestone 6b+ * 59 10m Giggleswick South
Chopping Block 6a+ 266 12m Giggleswick South
Whooper 6b ** 274 14m Giggleswick South
Black Swan Rising 6b *** 730 14m Giggleswick South
The Mute Swan 6b *** 470 ? Giggleswick South
Traverse of the Gods 6a 17 ? Giggleswick South
Heading For The Groove 6b * 45 14m Knipe Scar (Gate...
Sunshine On A Rainy Day 7a+ * 4 15m Knipe Scar (Gate...
A Matter of Degrees 7a *** 30 15m Knipe Scar (Gate...
Quarry Act 6b 18 9m Moughton Nab
Black Hole Below 6b * 7 ? Moughton Nab
Quarry Hill 6a 35 8m Moughton Nab
Queenie's Castle 6a 40 8m Moughton Nab
Fair to Middling 5a 48 10m Moughton Nab
My Funny Valentine 6a+ 23 9m Moughton Nab
Heavy Sesions 6a+ 17 9m Moughton Nab
Stress Management 5a 32 8m Moughton Nab
Making the Grade 6b+ 4 ? Moughton Nab
Mordred 6b 28 12m Moughton Nab
A Winters Tale 5c * 125 ? Moughton Nab
Sir Lunchalot 5c * 155 10m Moughton Nab
Arthurian Ledge End 6a * 157 10m Moughton Nab
The King of the Castle 6c * 75 10m Moughton Nab
Credit Crunch 6c * 35 10m Moughton Nab
Stoatal Recall 5c 96 ? Moughton Nab
Four Candles 6b ** 129 10m Moughton Nab
Party Pooper 6b * 107 10m Moughton Nab
Dopey 6a+ 24 ? Moughton Nab
Stumpy 6b+ 9 ? Moughton Nab
Trophy Hunter 6b+ 6 ? Moughton Nab
Arch Tempter 6c * 11 ? Moughton Nab
Do Not Go Gentle 7a+ 1 ? Moughton Nab
Something Wicked 7a * 26 ? Moughton Nab
Slapping Beauty 7a ** 70 ? Moughton Nab
Burly in Ribblesdale 6c ** 90 13m Moughton Nab
Bucket Symphony 7a *** 101 ? Moughton Nab
Finger Nabber 6c+ 1 ? Moughton Nab
186 stars 15,792 1,774m 196
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