Ondra - Dreamtime V14 - Aged 15 - With Video

© Pete O'Donovan

Adam Ondra just keeps on cranking. On a recent trip to Cresciano, Ondra ticked the legendary V14 problem Dreamtime.

Dreamtime was first climbed by bouldering ace Fred Nicole in 2000 and graded V15 (Font 8c). It has has numerous repeats and has settled at the grade of V14. The list of repeat ascentionists reads like a who's who of world bouldering including: 2000 - Fred Nicole, 2001 Bernd Zangerl, 2002 - Dave Graham and Chris Sharma, 2003 - Cristian Core and more recently British repeats came from Malcolm Smith in 2004 and Tyler Landman in 2006 (Aged 16). The list has now grown and it is hard to keep up with everyone who has climbed this classic problem.

What sets Ondra out from the crowd is his age (15) and the fact that he is operating at the highest level on sport routes, as well as now turning his hand to cutting edge bouldering.

Thanks to Simon Panton of North Wales Bouldering for the help with this news report.

Watch the video of Ondra climbing Dreamtime:

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Born in the Czech Republic, Adam Ondra has built up a decorated career since his early competitions, winning his first World Championships medal in 2009 in lead climbing. He was a favourite for Tokyo 2020 gold, but an...

Adam's Athlete Page 140 posts 51 videos

25 Mar, 2008
I seem to remember reading that Steve Dunning got the first repeat by a Brit...
25 Mar, 2008
I haven't listed all ascents, just some - as I don't know them all. So you are quite probably right. Looks like an awesome boulder.
26 Mar, 2008
He almost makes this look like a formality! I believe there may have been some hold improvement between this and the earlier ascents (it's "only" V14 now...). However, of all the videos on youtube, this is the "easiest" anyone has made it look. What can we expect from this youth once he get's really strong?? J
26 Mar, 2008
That he'll get really heavy ?
26 Mar, 2008
Or discovery booze and girls?
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