Font 8A at The Cuttings for Young Pair

© Tommy Harris

Young climbers Ellis Butler-Barker (16) and James Squire (16) have both made fast ascents of the technical and slightly high-ball Font 8A problem of Guy Fawkes at The Cuttings, Dorset.

Ellis Butler Barker on the thin crimps of Guy Fawkes, Font 8A  © Tommy Harris
Ellis Butler Barker on the thin crimps of Guy Fawkes, Font 8A
© Tommy Harris

Ellis Butler Barker on the high finish to Guy Fawkes, The Cuttings.  © Tommy Harris
Ellis Butler Barker on the high finish to Guy Fawkes, The Cuttings.
© Tommy Harris
Ellis, from Devon, has been climbing less than two years, and has been romping through the grades. Read his account of his ascent of Guy Fawkes on his blog.

James Squire was previously in the UKC news with his ascents of other 8A problems here and here, and said of Guy Fawkes:

"After an early start, my family and I drove down to Portland, picking Ellis up on the way and headed over to The Cuttings crag and boulder field. The problem I was hoping to try was called Guy Fawkes (font 8a) originally climbed by Jimbo Kimber in 1999 and given 7c+, but afterwards a good starting jug (used for crucial feet in the crux) had broken off and was then climbed by John Gaskins at 7c+/8a and was then climbed again by strong traveller Dan Kennard and thought to be benchmark 8a. History lesson over, back to the climbing...

... After a gentle warm up, I flashed the stand-up version called 'Gunpowder Plot' at soft 6c and started working this sit start being 'Guy Fawkes' 8a. Within about half an hour I had all the beta and moves sorted: undercut into side pull, over to two horrible crimps, big move out left and into the stand! The next 45 mins was spent trying it from the start involving many close attempts but finally I pulled on and screamed my way through to the finish! Making that my first font 8a since my finger injury and my first climb of the year! (If you heard my power screams from anywhere further than London please let me know)."

Read the rest of James' account on his blog.

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8 Jan, 2013
Font8A in less than 2 years of climbing is massively impressive.
8 Jan, 2013
On his blog the climber claims to weigh 80lbs!
8 Jan, 2013
Wow, one of my legs weighs 80lbs!
9 Jan, 2013
Awesome achievement! Just keep raising the grades!!
9 Jan, 2013
This problem is nails. Nice work!
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