La Rambla, 9a+, 2nd go by Megos

© Peter Würth
Alexander Megos on Pure Imagination, 8c+, Red River Gorge  © Peter Würth
Alexander Megos on Pure Imagination, 8c+, Red River Gorge
© Peter Würth

Alexander Megos, the 19 year old German who made the world's first 9a onsight, has struck again, making the quickest ever repeat of La Rambla, 9a+, at Siurana, Spain.

Strengthened by his recent success, and what must be excellent beta from his friend Felix Neumärker, Alex first tried to flash the route. Apparently he came very close, falling just a couple of moves from the top! Then, he swiftly dispatched it on his next try...
This was Alexander's first of the grade, but I would be very surprised if it were the last.

Source: Dani Fuertes

Maybe it's about time he tried something hard...

I think it's also about time we had a little chat with the man. Watch this space.

Alex Megos is sponsored by DMM

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Alex has risen quickly through the ranks of German climbers to become a globetrotting superstar of the modern climbing scene. His phenomenal sport climbing achievements place him as one of the most important climbers of...

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30 Mar, 2013
blimey. If, a few yeas ago, someone had said that la ramblA will be nearly flashed, it would have seemed impossible. Phenomenal.
30 Mar, 2013
This kids been eating his Weetabix! Wow yeah hard to comprehend these ever increasing standards amongst the up and coming kids these days. I hope it doesnt stop, its pretty inspiring
30 Mar, 2013
even more amazing that he didn't apparently properly red-point it. I know that even if i come close to a flash subsequent attempts might not always be better since crucial sequences might not be wired. Not a problem for him obviously.
31 Mar, 2013
I am currently working this route, having almost made it to the first bolt about 10 years ago!
31 Mar, 2013
This is a stunning achievement! That he (Alex Megos) got so close on his first go, even with his mate calling the moves, is even more impressive. New World Order: I think it's great that Adam Ondra now has a little competition. Pete.
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