Alex Megos goes BIGVideo

© Wiz Fineron (video still)

Here is a video with Alex Megos showing us the new shorty-beta for Sky, ~8B, Rocklands, South Africa. He says it's probably 8B+ this way.

Lately we have seen Alex starting to rewrite the book on what's possible to climb in a few tries. Things like Action directe (3 tries) and Biographie (again 3 tries) and a further ~15 9a's and up, but he also found time this summer to spend some time in Rocklands.

Alex being Alex, used the time to work his weaknesses: Strength and dynos

The first problem Alex does is called The flying guitar thief and was put up by Swedish under the radar legend Jocke Berglund.

To be honest, I have no idea about Alex' concept of strength and how strong he is aiming to become, but this video shows just how absolutely terrible he is at dynoing...

Alex Megos is sponsored by: DMM, Patagonia and Tenaya Blue Water Ropes and Entre-Prises

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Alex has risen quickly through the ranks of German climbers to become a globetrotting superstar of the modern climbing scene. His phenomenal sport climbing achievements place him as one of the most important climbers of...

Alex's Athlete Page 92 posts 12 videos

22 Sep, 2014
dat dyno... :o
Surprised Alex had to use shorty beta, Nalle must have really long arms!
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