Spray of light and Monkey wedding by Shawn Raboutou

© Shawn Raboutou coll.

Shawn Raboutou  © Shawn Raboutou coll.
Shawn Raboutou
© Shawn Raboutou coll.
Shawn Raboutou, 18, has repeated Monkey wedding and Spray of light, both ~8C, in Rocklands.

Rumours have been circulating about Shawn's ascent of Monkey wedding, but until now, there hasn't been any confirmation. Fortunately Chad Greedy spilled the beans on Instagram, also revealing Shawn has made the 3rd ascent of Daniel Woods' Spray of light at the Dihedral Boulders.

Spray of light is the harder left exit variation to Klem Loskot's original Ray of light and according to Woods it's an ~8B start into an ~8B finish. It has previously been repeated by Dave Graham.

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Shawn Raboutou is one of the best boulderers in the world. His two crowning achievements so far are the first ascents of Alphane and Megatron, both Font 9A/V17.

Shawn's Athlete Page 11 posts 8 videos

29 Jul, 2016
So was this the missing ascent from the previous new item, Bjorn? Did Nalle give a sneaky hint or was this after Nalle's send?
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