Steve McClure - A Redpoint SabotageFri Night Vid

© Hot Aches

Our Friday Night Video this week is a short clip of Steve McClure working the route Batman (9a) (9a/+), which he eventually linked into Rainshadow (9a) and Bat Route (8c), to create Rainman (9b). Rich Heap, the cameraman, was filming Steve from above on the same line of bolts. When Steve got close, Rich unclipped from the quickdraws on Steve's line and moved to one side - not noticing that the quickdraw hadn't closed. What follows is perhaps an interesting representation of the heightened emotional state of hard redpointing...

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Steve McClure is one of the best rock climbers in the world, having climbed the hardest sport route in the UK at 9b, numerous new routes at the grade of 9a and onsighted many at 8b+. Despite being better known for his...

Steve's Athlete Page 44 posts 15 videos

9 Jun, 2017
Brilliant, just keep filming, I'm safe behind the lens
9 Jun, 2017
He was making it look so easy too! I noticed the quickdraw and wondered if if was one of those ones that stays open until you weight it, and then... that had to hurt!
9 Jun, 2017
Hey, shit happens. But can just about begin to imagine how gutted he was. It so looked in the bag, until... Amazing climbing though. Even tiring, the precision of his movements... something else. To see climbing like this - beyond our wildest dreams. Mick
9 Jun, 2017
Appears to me that whilst Steve is absolutely furious at the universe when it looks like pure bad luck, he actually looks like he gets LESS angry when he realises there might be somebody to blame in some way. Would have been easy to lash out more after discovering a target. If I'm not imagining that, it's a real credit to him.
9 Jun, 2017
Is it a special quickdraw or something? You don't normally close a quickdraw, well not the ones I use. Unless it is a bit manky. Though I must admit to venting my ire at times on my belayers of the past. Not now though, these days I am proper zen. honest.
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