Climbing Sou'wester SlabsFri Night Vid


To celebrate their 75th birthday, the British Mountaineering Council teamed up with Land and Sky Media to create a film that connected modern climbing with their heritage in 1944. Gilly McArthur and Charlie Woodburn head to the wilds of Arran to climb Sou'wester Slabs (VD). Sou'wester Slabs, featured in the Classic Rock book is a 100-m VD climb on Cir Mhor, Arran. Featuring slab and crack climbing on superb mountain granite, it was first climbed by G H Townsend, G C Curtis, M J H Hawkins and H Hore on 03 September 1944.

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Charlie is an extremely gifted climber, endlessly enthusiastic and eclectic in his taste. Trad climbing is where his heart lies, but he has also excelled in many different aspects of the climbing game.  

Charlie's Athlete Page 1 video

6 Dec, 2019

Cir Mhor really is quite a place for trad climbing. Reminded me much of some of the granite areas near Yosemite around Cathedral Peak. Great vid of a great place.

6 Dec, 2019

My first multi pitch route, lead and solo. Good to see this anniversary celebrated. The anniversary of 100 years climbing on the Isle of Arran went by unnoticed in 1989. Not even a mention in the SMC journal!

6 Dec, 2019

I don't understand this. Lead then solo or just solo?

6 Dec, 2019

A great little film of a classic climb but I especially liked the last piece of music. It was a slide guitar track credited to JP Charleaux but a Google search draws a blank. Does anyone out there have a link to more of this stuff?

6 Dec, 2019

I was a bit disappointed at the proportion of climbing footage in that film.

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