Stanage - Respect the RockVideo

© Nick Brown - UKC

The latest video in the BMC's Respect the Rock series is here and this time we're with Louis Parkinson at Stanage. The iconic climbing area is home to some of the country's best trad climbing and bouldering, but it's important that climbers and other users give it the respect it deserves.

In the video, Louis covers restrictions, dogs, parking, brushing, tick marks, what to do when natures calls, camping and fires. Recently, Stanage has had problems with parking on verges which have led to damage and road blockages.

It's also worth remembering the BMC's other current campaign 'No Moor Fires'. Stanage is an area particularly susceptible to fires and the National Park Authority have asked people to avoid using barbeques at all costs. The BMC's campaign is calling on the government to criminalise the use of disposable barbeques on open moorland, with a severe penalty for anyone caught.

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