Lockdown Training Ep. 2 - Is Fingerboarding good for beginners?Video

© UKC News

In this week's episode of Lockdown Training, Neil Gresham, Maddy Cope and Louis Parkinson tackle the topic of fingerboarding for beginners and aim to bust a few myths.

They discuss whether beginners should even use a fingerboard and if there's an appropriate time to start doing so. They run through some habits and practices that enable you to fingerboard safely and stay injury free and finally talk about what equipment is needed.

This week's episode is the first of a two-parter. They had so much to say on the topic that we split it in two. If you submitted a question and it wasn't answered this week, look for it in the next few weeks.

Next episode - Fingerboarding for Beginners Part 2: warming up, training strength, training endurance and scheduling.

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22 Jan, 2021

Thank you so much for answering my question!

(I’m female though!)

23 Jan, 2021

I would like the answer, but don’t really want to watch 35 minutes of video to get it... I feel like a reasonably balanced article could be written alongside the video summarising it without too much hassle?

23 Jan, 2021

The answer is "No"

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