Conservation Series

Community Group Aims to Buy Bridestones Moor

A group of conservationists and local residents hope to buy Bridestones Moor, and have launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise the money.

Scared climber and indifferent spotters at Bridestones  © Rob Greenwood
Scared climber and indifferent spotters at Bridestones
© Rob Greenwood

The 144-acre Pennine moorland near Todmorden, which includes Bridestones (West Yorkshire) bouldering area, is on the market for £575,000, and the community-led group, Bridestones Rewilded, say they've already had an offer accepted.  

The aim of the buyout is to create a community-owned nature reserve, open to all, and to restore degraded peat bog on the over-grazed site, enhancing the habitat for rare birds such as curlew, lapwing, red grouse and golden plover.

"We can reverse the decline in biodiversity and mitigate against climate change" say the group on their website.

"The land around Bridestones has been degraded by draining the bog, followed by many decades of hard-grazing. But we have a well thought-out plan to restore nature and create an environment that supports more wildlife." 

Educational and volunteering opportunities be created, say the group, helping to benefit local people.

"Our beautiful moors are wonderful, essential places and we want everyone to be inspired by this vitally important landscape" they say.

"Our job is to help people understand why protecting them is important."

With a target of £55,000, the Crowdfunder campaign has already raised over £29,000.

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