Fleswick Bay conditions

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 Ehmarra 11 Aug 2021

Afternoon. I was hoping to enjoy at spot of bouldering at fleswick bay tomorrow but after the rain today I'm worried that seepage will be severe. Anyone know how badly they'll be affected by the rain/ seepage , which is due to stop in an few hours ... I know it's sunny and windy tomorrow. 

Thanks in advance 

 RobAJones 11 Aug 2021
In reply to Ehmarra:

I've only actually climbed there after a dry day days in the winter, when there was some seepage, but plenty that was dry. I have stopped there several times, when paddling in the spring/summer, usually on a sunny day, but not sure what the previous days were like, the rock always looked inviting. I think this means you will be OK, but if someone else says I'm talking rubbish they are probably correct. At least the rain has stopped now.

Post edited at 21:38
OP Ehmarra 12 Aug 2021
In reply to RobAJones:

Cheers pal good to know

 petegunn 12 Aug 2021
In reply to Ehmarra:

The seepage can bit a bit strange at Fleswick, sometimes days or even weeks to come through others times instant but there's normally enough to have a go at.

It's a nice spot with several good problems on the blocks at the far end but the wall problem's are not anything that special. The blocks at St Bees north and south being a lot better.

Probably a bit late now though as you were going today! 

Post edited at 17:44
OP Ehmarra 14 Aug 2021
In reply to petegunn:

Hahah cheers anyway... I headed down there very little dry due to seepage... Though self timer was dry so did the sit to that whcih was a decent problem.... I'd been to St bees North head quite a bit so wanted to try a new venue. Ended up heading to St bees anyhow... But it the waves were super strong and tide high... Even apiary arete was getting wet... So  headed back home after that lol... Good type 2 fun day 

Post edited at 10:42

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