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 LOWKEY1991 13 Jan 2023

Hi all , new to bouldering , I was climbing the other day and felt a pop in my forarm and now when I apply load to ring finger I get a pain in my forarm but it doesn't do it with any other finger , iv no pain just using my hands , no visible swelling , no bruise. I'm just wondering if this is common and will pass after a week or two or whether I should be seeking help for it to recover. Any advise in regards to prevention also welcome.

 JLS 13 Jan 2023
In reply to LOWKEY1991:

Sounds like a proper flexor tendon injury. I’m not sure what the rehab routine is for that but I’m sure someone will be along shortly with good advice. My guess is if you are looking at a couple of weeks resting it and a good month of slowly rehabbing it.

 turtlespit 15 Jan 2023
In reply to LOWKEY1991:

Check out the channel ‘Hoopers Beta’ on YouTube. He’s a climber physio in the USA and posts a lot of videos about climbing injuries and how to rehab them. You’ll probably have to do a bit of searching and watching to see if he’s covered your specific injury. 

OP LOWKEY1991 15 Jan 2023
In reply to turtlespit:

Cheers il check it out

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