Kinnoull Hill Quarry

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I have recently moved to Perth, Scotland and have stumbled across Kinnoull Hill Quarry on recent runs and then again in Boulder Scotland. There doesn't seem to be much information online.

Does anyone have information on the place? Looked pretty wet when I poked about this week. Although a few spots were reasonably dry.

Im pretty new to outdoor bouldering but a spot on the doorstep is pretty appealing for training and quick sessions.

 crustypunkuk 03 Jan 2023
In reply to lawrenceeaglejb:

Kinnoull provides much greater pleasure  biking or dogging than it does bouldering or climbing. 

In reply to lawrenceeaglejb:

I've had a poke about there many years ago. It's never seemed worth the effort but no harm playing about. Seem to remember it being a bit loose and chossy? 

 aln 03 Jan 2023
In reply to Alasdair Fulton:

> I've had a poke about there many years ago. 

Does that refer to the dogging comment above?

In reply to aln:


 PATTISON Bill 05 Jan 2023
In reply to lawrenceeaglejb:

Been in there whilst on a training exercise with the Black Watch 1953,pretty grotty if I remember clearly.

 Big Rich 05 Jan 2023
In reply to lawrenceeaglejb:

Have run a few abseil sessions here in past - but as for climbing or bouldering I would say not great as always seems damp and little loose in places.

In reply to lawrenceeaglejb:

Thanks for the view points.

Couldn't be more convenient, so I'm sure I'll give it a go.

In reply to DannyC:

This is really helpful.

I had another look today and there was a bit of dry rock again after one dry day.


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