Research study: Bouldering motivation

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 aclimbingsmith 04 Aug 2020


Adam Smith here, the below study will be a component of my University of Liverpool Psychology MSc

I am investigating if there are motivational differences between rock climbers of differing ability levels. As a member of this online climbing community, I would like to invite you to participate in the following study "Bouldering motivation, from beginner to expert ability levels: a study of UK rock climbers." The study will use an anonymous online survey method. 

Thanks for taking the time to read this, if you would like to participate in this study please follow the link below. If you have any more questions please contact the student researcher, Adam Smith, using the following email address [email protected] 

Thank you for taking the time to read this post 

Adam Smith

Post edited at 13:13
 Oceanrower 04 Aug 2020
In reply to aclimbingsmith:

Link appears to be broken...

In reply to Oceanrower:

Thanks Fixed now  

 Jon Stewart 04 Aug 2020
In reply to aclimbingsmith:

That was painless. I think I can already guess what your findings might be...

In reply to Jon Stewart:

Interested to know what you think the findings might be  

All I would say is the links between motivational types and performance varies a lot in the sports psych literature.  

 kylos8048 04 Aug 2020
In reply to aclimbingsmith:

So it just ended because I spend less than half my climbing time bouldering? Strange.

 Jon Stewart 04 Aug 2020
In reply to aclimbingsmith:

> Interested to know what you think the findings might be  

People who are motivated by performance climb higher grades?

> All I would say is the links between motivational types and performance varies a lot in the sports psych literature.  

That's interesting. Also, I don't remember filling in my age? Could it be that a 15yo who goes bouldering for fun without much performance strategy might often climb V7 within a few years, but if you start at 40 with the same motivation and approach you're more likely to be climbing V4?

 wbo2 04 Aug 2020
In reply to kylos8048: it ended suddenly for me with >50% 

 Oceanrower 04 Aug 2020
In reply to wbo2:

Clearly you aren't motivated enough...

 kwoods 04 Aug 2020
In reply to wbo2:

Likewise - 3 questions then finished. 

In reply to kylos8048:

yeah sorry, the study is aimed a boulderers so the criteria is >50% of climbing time bouldering

In reply to Jon Stewart:

The point about age is a good one, this study is just looking at ability for now, but age and gender differences could be something to look at in the future 

 Michael Hood 04 Aug 2020
In reply to aclimbingsmith:

Having done the survey, I suspect I may be a bit of an outlier, since I'm an "older" low grade (in bouldering terms) punter.

ElArt 25 Aug 2020
In reply to aclimbingsmith:

Hmmm I’d be interested in the results! Could you  put your conclusion on this forum?? Think this stuff is outlined in 9 out of 10... I suppose the results will help verify that. 

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