Rowtor Rocks - Thank you

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 birddog 20 Nov 2020

Posting on here in the hope that the people who found my wallet at Rowtor Rocks the other week see it. 

I don't know who you are but I just wanted to say a massive thank you for ringing my banks to notify them and posting my wallet back - it is massively appreciated and happily buy you a socially distanced coffee/beer/muffin as thank you!

Had a bit of dodgy run of bouldering outside of late with losing my wallet and cracking my head open yesterday at Burbage West so posting the wallet back was a ray of sunshine!



 kaiser 20 Nov 2020
In reply to birddog:

ah, nice story

 Dax H 20 Nov 2020
In reply to birddog:

A little bit of good news in a world of shit. Its heartening to know there are still decent people around. 

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