Wanted: Spare room near Sunderland for the spring?

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 janegallwey (user since 19/Oct/07) 28 Feb 2024


I’ve found out I’ll be working in Sunderland pretty much continuously from mid March-May and was wondering if any friendly climbers had a spare room they would be interested in renting either week by week or month by month?

I work for a company doing rope access inspections, we’ve been up in Sunderland quite a bit over the last few months but always getting new contractor airbnbs each week. I’d love a bit more of a base in the area and not have to do a tally of which kitchen items are missing every Monday before going to Sainsbury’s to buy yet another set of soy sauce, olive oil and salt…

I’ll likely only be there Monday-Friday, I’m 35 so pretty much domesticated by now and keen to get out climbing after work in the hopefully brighter sunnier and drier days that are definitely coming soon 🤞



 Pedro50 28 Feb 2024
In reply to janegallwey:

I'm about 8 miles from Sunderland, pm me if interested, you're not receiving emails.


OP janegallwey 28 Feb 2024
In reply to Pedro50:

Ah sorry, I must have somehow accidentally switched emails off, I’ve put them back on now so it should work.

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