European digital mapping for iOS

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 ColdAndWet 27 Aug 2023

What recommendations does anyone have for European digital mappings apps for iOS?

Specifically I’m looking to be able to download for offline use digital mapping for alpine regions. So it needs to allow access to the premium 1:25,000 mapping for regions. 

We’re off to the Dolomites soon and I’ve got paper maps but would like digital as well.

I’ve been looking at Topo and Gaia



 Gemmazrobo 27 Aug 2023
In reply to ColdAndWet:


 SilentDai 27 Aug 2023
In reply to ColdAndWet:

I’ve just got back from a 5 day walk in the Tirol using Gaia GPS, I’m very happy with it. 

OP ColdAndWet 27 Aug 2023
In reply to ColdAndWet:

Thank you.

Fat map looks good as does Gaia. I can’t see that any of them have access to Italian topo maps though. They have access to OS and French IGN for example. Unless I’ve missed something?

 SilentDai 27 Aug 2023
In reply to ColdAndWet:

True, but the ‘satellite topo (meters)’ map really isn’t bad as it combines a few data sources. As a back-up to your paper maps I’d suggest they’re plenty good enough. Let me know if you want me to send a few screen grabs if the areas you’re interested in so that you can see if  you like them. 

OP ColdAndWet 28 Aug 2023
In reply to SilentDai:

Thank you for the offer. I might try a free month with fat maps and see what that’s like especially since it also gives strava access. It seems that none of the apps have access to the Italian topo data

 inboard 28 Aug 2023
In reply to ColdAndWet:

Outdooractive, if you have a premium account. 

I like FATMAP but find the map downloads tend to be large/ slow so I tend to use it for planning (without downloading) but use Outdooractive on the hill (with offline maps) 

 philipjardine 28 Aug 2023
In reply to ColdAndWet:

whympr has Italian digital maps (fraternali)

 rockcatch 28 Aug 2023
In reply to ColdAndWet:

I’ve used OutdoorActive with a premium subscription to allow downloading maps. It has worked well in Europe as well as at home. 

I’ve also used Bergfex Touren which has worked well and allows offline use. 

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