Mega wow

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 Bottom Clinger 25 Nov 2023

Just watching these twite about 20 feet then ‘wosh’, a male Merlin came into view! Chaos and panic, and the Merlin darted and dived, unsuccessfully. Wow!  It’s well cold, can’t feel my hands. 

 Wimlands 25 Nov 2023
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

The first time I saw a Merlin I hadn’t got a clue what it was but guessed it had to be one.

Watching a big flock of Goldfinches and then Bang! Out of nowhere, really low and very fast.

 Mal Grey 25 Nov 2023
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

I had a merlin flypast on an Essex muddy shoreline just the other day. It was like (very briefly) watching a fast jet hugging the ground of the tidal marshes at low tide.

 Bulls Crack 27 Nov 2023
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

Once spent quite a bit of european taxpayers money tying to secure habitat and food sources for this lot on their southern extent! 

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