Onske furniture

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 Blue Straggler 14 Jan 2024

Hello. I am thinking of treating myself to an Eileen Gray "E1027" table. The "officially licenced" ones from Aram are way beyond budget but I see that there are few "off brand" companies doing them e.g. Onske and The Natural Furniture Company (these just based on a quick search). I would assume that for £150-180 I would still be getting a quality product, just not made by Aram. Would such an assumption be fair? The companies in question seem to be reputable / legitimate etc and I can't imagine that they will be churning out cheap junk....

Be gentle, I have no experience of treating myself to "fancy" furniture! 

 ayuplass 14 Jan 2024
In reply to Blue Straggler:

I've got a coffee table 'inspired by' Noguchi, it wasnt cheap but much, much less than an official one. I took a good look at an official one and the only difference is that it lacks a signature and the bevel on the glass isn't quite as rounded but that's being picky.

I think you'll be fine with yours, there's a defined market for people who want designer furniture but can't quite justify the full price. 

In reply to ayuplass:


 Graham Booth 15 Jan 2024
In reply to Blue Straggler:

Got many pieces from them over the years, including an eames chair with ottoman

brilliant quality for the price.

In reply to Graham Booth:

Cheers. Think I'll go for it then! 

In reply to Graham Booth:

Received the table, excellent customer service and it is excellent quality; I cannot compare it to an Aram one but I did chance upon another “higher end third party manufacturer” who have an article showing the difference between THEIR quality article and a cheap and nasty one (details around tubing, angling, bevelled glass etc. The Onske one matches the other company’s high standards easily ! 

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