Sunset sites on South Uist

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 Graeme G 28 Oct 2021

I’m lucky enough to be working on South Uist soon, but only for a day. I’m wondering if anyone can help by suggesting an easily accessible spot which would make for a great sunset view (assuming there is any view of course)?

Flight lands in Benbecula at 5.30 so only have an hour of daylight to play with.

 Robert Durran 28 Oct 2021
In reply to Graeme G:

Sunset time is 5.45 today and clocks go back at the weekend, so you are going to be pushing it. Anyway, the obvious question is whether you want to photograph the actual setting sun or stuff lit by the setting sun. 

OP Graeme G 28 Oct 2021
In reply to Robert Durran:

> Sunset time is 5.45 today and clocks go back at the weekend, so you are going to be pushing it. Anyway, the obvious question is whether you want to photograph the actual setting sun or stuff lit by the setting sun. 

Bugger, so it is. I forgot about the clocks going back and misread the timing. Probably not worth the effort. Thanks 

 Tringa 29 Oct 2021
In reply to Graeme G:

While a sunset is not possible(and I reckon even without the clocks changing it would have been very difficult, my preference is to be at a sunset site at least 30mins before), but you say you are there for a day.

Therefore is a sunrise on the following day a possibility?

A fair bit of the east side of South Uist is accessible only by walking but some where like the north end of the causeway connection South Uist to Benbecula, or Port Pheadair on the south east of Benbecula is more easily accessible. If you put Port Pheadair into Google Maps you see where it is.


OP Graeme G 29 Oct 2021
In reply to Tringa:

I was starting to think about sunrise. I don’t need to be at work until 9. So might be able to squeeze in a quick drive and a view in the morning. Thanks for the tip

OP Graeme G 29 Oct 2021
In reply to Tringa:

Thanks. That looks like a good shout. Depending on where I end up staying and the weather, I’ll hopefully squeeze in a wee view

 cenotaphcorner 29 Oct 2021
In reply to Graeme G:

Hi I use an app called TPE that allows me to view different view points.

 Wicamoi 29 Oct 2021
In reply to Graeme G:

Hi Graeme, I forget its name, but there's a wee rocky peninsula with a lochan on it about midway down the west coast of South Uist - could make a good spot for both sunst and sunrise photography.

OP Graeme G 30 Oct 2021
In reply to cenotaphcorner:

I’ve heard of this, thanks. Need to investigate it.

OP Graeme G 30 Oct 2021
In reply to Wicamoi:

Ta. I’ll do some research on walkhighlands OS

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