"Become a supporter" banner

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 James Malloch 16 Jun 2021

I've got the black "become a supporter" banner up at the bottom of my screen permanently up at the bottom of my screen and wondered if this was normal?

I don't mind it being there but it means I can't add things to my logbook as it's in the way of the "add" (or whatever it says) button once I've filled in the climb details. Managed to get one climb in by change but that's it. 

In reply to James Malloch:

Hi James

Does clicking the X on the top right of the banner not hide it for a day?

If not, could you let me know what browser and device you're using please.

OP James Malloch 16 Jun 2021
In reply to Andy Ovens - UKC and UKH:

Hi Andy, 

I've not got an X to click on unfortunately. I'm using Chrome on a work laptop (windows) - perhaps restrictions on the laptop could be to blame?

Works fine on my iPad/iPhone though. 

 Johnhi 16 Jun 2021
In reply to James Malloch:

Reloading the page usually works on my phone.

In reply to James Malloch:

Hmm that doesn't sound right. Could you please send a screenshot of what you see to [email protected] please?

OP James Malloch 16 Jun 2021
In reply to Andy Ovens - UKC and UKH:

> Hmm that doesn't sound right. Could you please send a screenshot of what you see to [email protected] please?

Hi Andy I've sent some on, thanks. 

 Jamie Wakeham 16 Jun 2021
In reply to James Malloch:

I quite often get a missing 'X' on the first UKC page I land on; it's invariably there once I click on a link within UKC so not a great issue for me. Android on a Pixel 3.

 ThunderCat 16 Jun 2021
In reply to Andy Ovens - UKC and UKH:

Noticed this on my phone.  You'll get the banner, but the x doesn't appear so the screen is covered.  If you reload the screen, the banner appears again but this time the x pops in half a second later

In reply to ThunderCat:

Not sure why the icon isn't ever loaded, but as its affecting a few people, I have changed the icon to be visible always

OP James Malloch 17 Jun 2021
In reply to James Malloch:

It's visible for me now, thanks. 

And thank you for the work-around yesterday via email

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