Location on maps

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 Will Hunt 05 Jun 2019

I gave the Rockfax app a whirl last weekend. I was at Giggleswick North and had the location on my phone turned on and had given the app (Android version) permission to use my location. However a little blue dot didn't appear on the map showing my position at the parking.

Any idea why this didn't work?

In reply to Will Hunt:

Hi Will,

The geo located maps are something we're adding to the Android version later in the year. Because we've constantly been on the back foot regarding catching up with the iOS version this feature was delayed in order to launch the Android version last month.

It's one of the first features I'll be working on once I've finished working on some crashes and bugs.

OP Will Hunt 05 Jun 2019
In reply to Will Hunt:

OK, thanks Martin.

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