Partner logged climbs with my UKC name - not offering to add to my log

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 adz_c 28 Jun 2023

One of my climbing partners added climbs to their logbook and included me as their partner using my UKC Username. I can see the climbs in their logbook (with my username as partner) but I'm not being asked to add the climbs when I open my logbook.

Same experience on either PC (Chrome/Edge), Mobile (Chrome - Andriod), or Tablet (Chrome - iPad Pro).

I'm wondering if it's because they typed my username in just the nickname field? However, they did say in the car that "it's found you" so I'm assuming they selected the matching search suggestion when typing in my username as a partner addition. 

Any ideas? 

Post edited at 01:05
 Graeme Hammond 28 Jun 2023
In reply to adz_c:

If you go to thier logbook and view partners, you can tell if you have been added fully as there will be a little blue logbook symbol to show it is linked to your logbook next to your name. If it is just a name they haven't done it properly and ask them to modify you and make sure both field boxes 'partner name' and 'UKC user?' are filled out correctly (modify partner to get these back up)

Post edited at 07:58
 Jimbo C 28 Jun 2023
In reply to adz_c:

> Any ideas? 

Don't worry about it, just log the climb for yourself.

OP adz_c 28 Jun 2023
In reply to Jimbo C:

Yer, but, I'm lazy, and they need to learn how to do it properly

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