Dizzy Whilst Running

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 steveej 23 Jun 2023

Hi there,

Completed a 100k race on the weekend.

Monday I did an easy 5k

Tuesday was going to go longer but started to feel dizzy after about 3k so turned around and went home.

Wednesday Rest

Thursday 11k fine

Today 9k and more dizzyness.

Any idea what could be causing this?

 Neil Williams 23 Jun 2023
In reply to steveej:

Feeling rough generally?  If so perhaps a cold or something.

Are you eating enough?

 Robert Durran 23 Jun 2023
In reply to steveej:

I'm only guessing, but perhaps not enough recovery from running 100km?

In reply to steveej:

> Any idea what could be causing this?

You ran a 100k race and can currently run short distances after a rest day, but have issues running multiple days in a row. My first guess is that your body is trying to tell you it needs more than 1 day of rest after a 100k race. 

In reply to steveej:

Was it a circular route? Than might cause it.

 blackcat 23 Jun 2023
In reply to steveej:

If i ran 100k id take a week off let the body settle down and recover.

 Brass Nipples 23 Jun 2023
In reply to steveej:

Have a rest , your body needs longer to recover and restore homeostasis 

Post edited at 14:25
 compost 23 Jun 2023
In reply to steveej:

Isn't the post-ultra recovery advice to take one day off running for every 10 miles raced?

You're running on empty

OP steveej 23 Jun 2023
In reply to Neil Williams:

No, feeling pretty good.

I have a 100 miler in just over three weeks so this last week was my peak training week.

I might just take the weekend off which means missing this weeks long run. Perhaps I'll just go for a hike instead.

 Enty 23 Jun 2023
In reply to steveej:

What's your resting heart rate like?


OP steveej 23 Jun 2023
In reply to Enty:

blood pressure and heart rate are normal

 SouthernSteve 23 Jun 2023
In reply to steveej:

Out of interest do you have heart rate variability data? And what have your eating habits been since the race?

I would take it easy for a few days rather than just the weekend as you are not going to substantively change your fitness for the next race and it might keep you out of trouble. I would see the doctor if the dizziness continues after rest.

The problem with morning resting heart rate - at least for me, is that unless I am properly ill it mostly reflects the temperature in the bedroom overnight and that in some cases of overtraining it is not raised, but may be reduced. 

Post edited at 17:34
 supersteve 23 Jun 2023
In reply to steveej:

I did a 100k at the weekend and have taken the whole week off to recuperate. I've wanted to go for a run but I know my body needs to rest. A couple of days off with a nice walk or two will help. 

 Strachan 23 Jun 2023
In reply to steveej:

Are you feeling pretty good or are you experiencing unexplained dizziness when running short distances?

OP steveej 23 Jun 2023
In reply to SouthernSteve:

Currently using Coros and the data isn’t as good as polar, so no, don’t have heart rate variability data.

Diet is good, feel more or less fully recovered physically.

 CantClimbTom 23 Jun 2023
In reply to steveej:

The chances are 99% that this is nothing, however any dizziness or symptoms that appear during high exertion which improve on rest MUST be checked by a doctor as an urgent matter.

Please book an appointment with your GP and don't exercise until you've seen them.

Post edited at 21:08
OP steveej 23 Jun 2023
In reply to CantClimbTom:

That’s a bit extreme. Care to shed any light on where your coming from?

 Strachan 24 Jun 2023
In reply to steveej:

I’d imagine CantClimbTom is thinking along the lines of various cardiomyopathies and other such nasties (look up ARVC, for example, if you need motivation to get yourself checked). Seems like sensible advice to me.

 Enty 24 Jun 2023
In reply to steveej:

> That’s a bit extreme. Care to shed any light on where your coming from?

I can explain why I asked about your HR.
I absolutely beasted myself two weeks ago, Ventoux twice, club runs at 35kmh then back to back 170km rides. I was training for a 270km Ventoux to Alpe d'Huez ride which I was supposed to ride on Wednesday.

Last Sunday I noticed my heart rate was a bit erratic and I was a bit dizzy running up the stairs so went to the docs first thing Monday. He said definitely AF so I managed to get an appointment first thing Tuesday with a cardiologist and now I'm on anticoagulants, beta blockers and no bike, no beer, no caffeine for 10 days. Got to go back after next week to see if I need the zapper to get my ticker beating straight again


 CantClimbTom 24 Jun 2023
In reply to Strachan:

Absolutely, but I'm not medically qualified to discuss any of that, and spinning stories of ultrafit people I've known who have had very very similar sounding issues (but quite possibly entirely different conditions -  because I'm not medical) wouldn't be helpful either.

So apologies to make a bold statement without further info. But I do think it should be checked, if nothing to exclude any possibilities

 CantClimbTom 24 Jun 2023
In reply to Enty:

No beer???  Wow this sounds life impactingly serious, get well soon!

OP steveej 24 Jun 2023
In reply to steveej:

I did have an ECG and various heart tests about threee years ago for something else (a stroke!) and they all came back fine.

It's a strange one as the diziness comes on as if someone has flicked a switch.  It's not a gradual thing.

If it's still happening next week I'll go the doctors.

 mountainbagger 24 Jun 2023
In reply to steveej:

I wouldn't rule out hay fever/allergies or coming down with a cold either.

Anything which might cause inner ear issues.

Though odd it just happens suddenly mid run.

Also, low blood sugar but someone already suggested that I think.

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