Grade 4 hip stress fracture

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 JimR 11 Jul 2023

My daughter has managed to acquire one after doing a marathon plus all the training. GP was useless and said to wait and see if pain went and we ended up getting a private consultation and mri which showed this. Any experiences of managing recovery and keeping fit welcome. Obviously she’ll be adhering to medical advice

 Jim B 11 Jul 2023
In reply to JimR:

there is a growth plate in the hip and a couple more close by, she may have damaged one of these, with rest it may heal and I think checking it with a peadiatric orthopeadic consultant is a very good idea. If your peadiatric consultant said it would settle with rest then follow their advice. The few I have seen resolved with some time and rest without any problem.

She should be resting the hip and respecting any painful symptoms

OP JimR 11 Jul 2023
In reply to Jim B:

Daughter is not in first flush of youth she’s nearly 30 so presume growth plates are not an issue

 SouthernSteve 11 Jul 2023
In reply to JimR:

A bit off topic, but if you daughter very active RED-S may play a part in her problems and regardless of professional advice for the orthopaedics, considering nutrition etc may be valuable. Hope she gets better quickly and doesn't drive everyone nutty not running for 3 months!

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