Shoes - outsole wearing through at heel

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 abcdef 15 Jun 2023

I believe my gait is fairly neutral but I have always found shoes wear more at the outside edge of the heel. It never used to be a huge issue as there was enough sole material, but this year nothing I buy lasts very long.

Asics Glideride 3 - about £100 and after a few months one of the outer sole segments fell off, leaving just the midsole so they are now unusable.

Saucony Ride - not worn that many times, but the outer edge is worn and the midsole underneath is now getting worn on one foot.

Hoka Clifton - similar, after the fist 10k I could see the same wear pattern, and midsole wearing.

Shoes now seem to consist of small areas of 3mm rubber fused onto the midsole - is my future just going through shoes rapidly?

(Prior to that I mostly used Mizuno Wave Rider 22 - these are still going after more than a year, and in better nick than the above. They have a decent amount of rubber, and a slightly curved heel so harder to wear. The new version though seems to be the thin-segment of rubber now )

 wbo2 15 Jun 2023
In reply to abcdef: That's how these shoes are - there's a big stack of midsole, and so to save weight the outersole is reduced as much as possible .  It sounds like you're pronating a little more than normal - are you seeing similar in the forefoot?

I don't have much consolation, but I've been using similar designed Hokas for a while, and when the outsole goes I just let it run on the midsole instead. I usually wear under that outer edge a little, and quite a bit under the big toe.  Hoka Mach 4, 5, have effectively no outsole at all - you just run on the mid, and that's ok.

 Tom Briggs 15 Jun 2023
In reply to abcdef:

The Brooks outsoles seem incredibly hard wearing, but you will have a heavier shoe and beware they're drops are huge (12mm for the ever-popular Ghost).

OP abcdef 15 Jun 2023
In reply to Tom Briggs:

someone did tell me that brooks essentially give you x amount of days to return if you are not happy (only direct from them?) so I could potentially run for a few weeks and see how they hold-up. only issue is there are probably no bargains to be had buying direct.

 steelbru 15 Jun 2023
In reply to abcdef:

Hoka do a full refund if you're not happy after 30 day of use, but you have to buy direct from them

 Tom Briggs 15 Jun 2023
In reply to abcdef:

You don't see Brooks discounted often, unlike e.g. Hoka. I'm pretty sure the Brooks 90-day guarantee is available even if you buy from an independent store. 

 petemeads 15 Jun 2023
In reply to abcdef:

I mentioned it already in another shoe thread,  I'm still using a pair of Brooks Hyperion Tempo shoes with 1,700km on them, one is starting to wear the midsole material slightly but otherwise the thin black rubber looks to have loads of life yet. Ok, they're not as bouncy as my new pair but they get used for jogging and walking, saving the new ones for racing and interval training. Very comfortable for such a light shoe...

 ianstevens 16 Jun 2023
In reply to Tom Briggs:

Brooks do plenty of regular and low drop shoes. Anyway, the OP has been using hokas… so anything is going to feel light in comparison.

 Tom Briggs 16 Jun 2023
In reply to ianstevens:

Hokas heavy? Not thesedays. A Rincon is 230gms in a size 11, which is marginally lighter than a Nike Vaporfly. Mach 4 is 257gms in an 11. 

OP abcdef 16 Jun 2023
In reply to abcdef:

Lots of good advice, thanks.

I tend to look for shoes that have a bevelled outer heel sole as the area that typically wears through isn't there in the first place (not sure that description will make sense). I think I discounted Brookes for the reason that none of them seem to have that type of design. (Hyperion Tempo its hard to tell from the images I can see. The outsole does look more substantial but only 20mm forefoot height is maybe less than I am looking for too)

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