When will the first snows arrive?

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 Only a hill 07 Aug 2013
I know it's early, but a couple of cooler mornings have got me hankering after the snows again. If recent years are anything to go by then it won't be long now before the first cosmetic dusting of the white stuff!

I've decided to set up a lighthearted competition on my blog. Place your bets and winners shall receive a free copy of one of my books. For the rules and list of existing entries please click below:

Please share if you like
 Neil Pratt 07 Aug 2013
In reply to Only a hill:

It hasn't quite all gone away yet - was up on the Monadhliath on Monday, and could see a decent sized patch still hanging in there on the Cairngorms.
OP Only a hill 07 Aug 2013
In reply to Neil Pratt:
That's one reason why I love the Scottish hills. Winter is never far away!
 goose299 07 Aug 2013
In reply to Only a hill:
Excellent idea. What if we don't have google+ or twitter though?
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OP Only a hill 07 Aug 2013
In reply to goose299:
You can place your bets here if you want, I don't mind (I'll keep an eye on the thread).
 goose299 07 Aug 2013
In reply to Only a hill:
1st week in October for me then
Having read your previous two books, I'm hoping to blag a copy of the new one
 Dave Hewitt 07 Aug 2013
In reply to Neil Pratt:
> It hasn't quite all gone away yet - was up on the Monadhliath on Monday, and could see a decent sized patch still hanging in there on the Cairngorms.

There are quite a few patches still around in odd places. Was out yesterday on the Callater hills and could see a pretty long (100ft or so) two-pronged vertical patch in a NW-facing cleft on Cairn of Claise. I thought it might last until mid-Sept and so make it through to the start of next winter, but my pal Ken reckoned it wouldn't survive August.
 Cameron94 07 Aug 2013
In reply to Only a hill: 3 September.
 barbeg 07 Aug 2013
In reply to Only a hill:

...13th October.....
 Joak 07 Aug 2013
In reply to Only a hill: Thursday 24th October. A nice wee dusting over the Lochaber hills slap bang in the middle of my Fort William based Autumnal break with the wife.... I'm usually with her for breakfast and evening meal!!
 Tall Clare 07 Aug 2013
In reply to Only a hill:

I'd like it to stay away from the Torridon area until after the middle of October, please. Or rather, it can scatter the tops if it likes, but no more.
 fire_munki 07 Aug 2013
In reply to Only a hill:
25th Sept
OP Only a hill 07 Aug 2013
In reply to Tall Clare:
> (In reply to Only a hill)
> I'd like it to stay away from the Torridon area until after the middle of October, please. Or rather, it can scatter the tops if it likes, but no more.

Hope you have a good time in Torridon ... I haven't managed to get up that way just yet. I'm just starting to think about a backpacking trip to (possibly) Glen Affric in a few weeks.
OP Only a hill 07 Aug 2013
In reply to goose299:
> (In reply to Only a hill)
> 1st week in October for me then
> Having read your previous two books, I'm hoping to blag a copy of the new one

It's still a work in progress at the moment but it should hopefully be ready within a month or two!
 Tall Clare 07 Aug 2013
In reply to Only a hill:

You really really REALLY have to go. It's, like, the law
 Tall Clare 07 Aug 2013
In reply to Only a hill:
> (In reply to goose299)
> [...]
> It's still a work in progress at the moment but it should hopefully be ready within a month or two!

Hurrah - looking forward to it
 nbonnett 07 Aug 2013
In reply to Only a hill:

I was in Chill factor e in Manchester and it had just snowed.
OP Only a hill 07 Aug 2013
In reply to nbonnett:
Not sure that counts

Got loads of entries so far, a couple of them extremely specific!
 alooker 07 Aug 2013
In reply to Only a hill: the morning of the 27th of September
 Sean Bell 08 Aug 2013
In reply to Only a hill: 29th september.but with any luck, never.
 DundeeDave 08 Aug 2013
In reply to SeanB: 1st full week in November
OP Only a hill 08 Aug 2013
In reply to Only a hill:
Keep 'em coming folks
In reply to Only a hill: September 23rd @ approx. 8.24pm
In reply to Only a hill: September 25th Cairn Gorm ski area, after dark
 neon_blue 11 Aug 2013
In reply to Only a hill:
12th October ....... I hope i am wrong and it comes before.
 Ann S 12 Aug 2013
In reply to Only a hill:

3rd October.
 Jamie Hageman 12 Aug 2013
In reply to Only a hill:

22nd September
 Simon Yearsley 12 Aug 2013
In reply to Only a hill: Easy... 4th September as always....
In reply to Simon Yearsley: Yep 4th September on the Ben for me.
 Lew13 12 Aug 2013
In reply to Only a hill:

2nd September, obviously on the Ben.
OP Only a hill 13 Aug 2013
In reply to Only a hill:
All entries logged, thanks folks
 j0ntyg 22 Aug 2013
In reply to Only a hill:

So, you are a writer. I think that this post is nothing more than a trawl, designed to elicit info. from this site so that you can write something with observations sent in by people who have actually been on the hill.
Your competition is a false instrument.
 newhey 22 Aug 2013
In reply to Only a hill:

First snow dusting on the hills around Akureyri in Iceland a couple of days ago when I was up there. Don't suppose that counts though.
 malk 22 Aug 2013
In reply to Only a hill: within a week of last year..
 xplorer 22 Aug 2013
In reply to j0ntyg:

Are you for real?
In reply to xplorer:

It is a surprisingly nasty post, and completely unwarranted, begging the question 'just who is this grand person hiding behind a jumble of letters?'
 xplorer 22 Aug 2013
In reply to Gordon Stainforth:

I wouldn't say grand!
In reply to xplorer:

I meant someone who puts him/herself on a very high judgmental pedestal.
 Tall Clare 22 Aug 2013
In reply to Gordon Stainforth:

Agreed - especially as Alex comes across as such a generally affable person.
In reply to Tall Clare:

Very strange isn't it? Sounds like some deep personal grudge.
OP Only a hill 22 Aug 2013
In reply to j0ntyg:
> (In reply to Only a hill)
> So, you are a writer. I think that this post is nothing more than a trawl, designed to elicit info. from this site so that you can write something with observations sent in by people who have actually been on the hill.
> Your competition is a false instrument.

Lighten up - it's just a bit of fun! I don't do 'trawling for info.'
 dsh 22 Aug 2013
In reply to Only a hill:

First week of October.

I already bought the Kindle version of "The Only Genuine Jones", I thought it was a great read.
 TobyA 23 Aug 2013
In reply to Only a hill:
> I don't do 'trawling for info.'

It was such a bizarre accusation too; I have a pretty vivid imagination but still can't really think of a good way to work the date-crucial first snowfall on the Scottish mountains into a short story, although perhaps you should try!

Now, if he had said you had come up with a fun way to get traffic on your blog/readers interested in your books - it might have been fairer; but what's wrong with that? You've offered a nice prize for a comp anyone can enter and plenty of us try to promote something we've written etc. once in a while.
 TobyA 23 Aug 2013
In reply to Only a hill: First snowfall is a tricky one, first route in acceptable conditions might be simpler to judge - but put me down for September 23rd for the snow. First route will Pygmy Ridge on October 3rd.
 Wesley Orvis 23 Aug 2013
In reply to j0ntyg:

Get a grip!!!!
 tattoo2005 23 Aug 2013
In reply to Only a hill: 6th December for me
 chris_s 23 Aug 2013
In reply to TobyA:

Really? I bet Alex is renaming his next book 'Alpine Dawn: The First Snows' as we speak.
 cfer 23 Aug 2013
In reply to Only a hill: September 17th for me
 NottsRich 23 Aug 2013
In reply to Only a hill: Sept 25th for me because it's my birthday. But seeing as it's already been claimed then I'll go for 24th so it has a chance to consolidate a little for me
 TobyA 23 Aug 2013
In reply to chris_s:

> Really? I bet Alex is renaming his next book 'Alpine Dawn: The First Snows' as we speak.

Well, he should be asking for guesses on when the first pisted runs above Cham open then!
 DundeeDave 28 Aug 2013
In reply to TobyA: "scattered blustery showers developing during the afternoon, heaviest and most frequent across the Monadhliath mountains and Cairngorms, with sleet or snow over the highest summits."

Met Office East Highlands Forecast for this coming Saturday - 31st Aug!
 ewar woowar 28 Aug 2013
In reply to DundeeDave:
> (In reply to TobyA) "scattered blustery showers developing during the afternoon, heaviest and most frequent across the Monadhliath mountains and Cairngorms, with sleet or snow over the highest summits."
> Met Office East Highlands Forecast for this coming Saturday - 31st Aug!

That means Bowfell Butress will be in nick the first week of September!


 NottsRich 29 Aug 2013
I woke up this morning and remembered it had snowed a few days ago. Then I realised I had dreamed it. Still, not long now!
 Cobbler 29 Aug 2013
In reply to DundeeDave:

Aye - MWIS also suggesting snow on the Gorms on Saturday.
 Richard Baynes 29 Aug 2013
In reply to Cobbler: My feet are cold in flip flops in Glasgow today. A sure sign ... that I'm not wearing socks.
 barbeg 30 Aug 2013
In reply to Cobbler:

...keep an eye on the webcams tomorrow!
 AlH 31 Aug 2013
In reply to Only a hill: Scott Kirkhope says he saw the white stuff on Ben Nevis today!
In reply to Only a hill: 18th September
 Jamie B 31 Aug 2013
In reply to AlH:

> Scott Kirkhope says he saw the white stuff on Ben Nevis today!

Short-lived - nothing left by midday.

 AlH 31 Aug 2013
In reply to Jamie B: I should bloody well hope so in August!
 Padraig 31 Aug 2013
In reply to AlH:
> (In reply to Only a hill) Scott Kirkhope says he saw the white stuff on Ben Nevis today!

There def white stuff! It didnt lie tho so don't count!

 george mc 01 Sep 2013
In reply to Only a hill:

Had to clear snow of the car windscreen this morning and scrape the windows. Buttresses looking well rimed up.
abseil 01 Sep 2013
In reply to Only a hill:

6 February.
OP Only a hill 01 Sep 2013
In reply to george mc:
> (In reply to Only a hill)
> Had to clear snow of the car windscreen this morning and scrape the windows. Buttresses looking well rimed up.


Not been following this thread too closely the past few days - looks like I've got a few more entries to add to the list!
 NottsRich 11 Sep 2013
In reply to Only a hill: So who won then?
OP Only a hill 11 Sep 2013
In reply to NottsRich:
Nobody has won yet, as far as I can tell - there were rumours of snow in the Cairngorms yesterday, but refuted by those on the ground. Others observed a few tiny patches on the Ben last week but that doesn't count according to the rules; it's got to be an appreciable fall that lasts more than an hour or two If anyone has more accurate information I'd love to hear it.

Looks like next week might give us a good chance!
 alpine69 12 Sep 2013
In reply to earlsdonwhu:
Not really, the rules state scottish mountains , god effort though . The clock is ticking
JohnMarl 12 Sep 2013
In reply to Only a hill:

Light dusting of snow on Ben Macdui today. Forecast heavy snow on the Ben for coming monday.
OP Only a hill 12 Sep 2013
In reply to JohnMarl:
> (In reply to Only a hill)
> Light dusting of snow on Ben Macdui today. Forecast heavy snow on the Ben for coming monday.

Since nobody was on the list for today, but several have put their names down for Sunday and Monday, we'll leave it running and see what happens
OP Only a hill 15 Sep 2013
In reply to Only a hill:
So ... will it be today? I'd be interested to hear any reports of snow in the hills, if anyone has been brave enough to get out!
In reply to Only a hill: according to MWIS wet snow high up for the next few days. Does that count?
OP Only a hill 15 Sep 2013
In reply to TheDrunkenBakers:
I should think so - I've yet to see any convincing evidence of more than a tiny flurry until now, but this sounds like it will be much more significant.
 Jamie Hageman 15 Sep 2013
In reply to Only a hill: snow on the ben, carn mor dearg and aonach mor right now!
 Cuthbert 15 Sep 2013
In reply to Only a hill:

Get onto Winterhighland for some proper snow watching.
OP Only a hill 16 Sep 2013
In reply to Only a hill:
Glencoe is looking tasty this morning!
 barbeg 16 Sep 2013
In reply to Only a hill:

...after 30+ years of climbing I still get a pulse race and become ridiculously excited by the first snows....long may it continue!!!!


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