Casa - Refugio (Sella) Details?

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 SebCa 26 Mar 2006
Anyone shed any possible light on this place, prices contacts etc?

 Chris the Tall 26 Mar 2006
In reply to Jimbo MSider:
I wouldn't recommend it as it'd become very run down

A mate of mine spent a single night there in Jan.

It had no light, no heating and no cooking facilities

I think it was supposed to cost about 6 euros a night, but there was no warden.....

I suggest you get in touch with these guys - - who are nearby and will know if anything has changed. Better still stay with them - their place is great and the cooking is superb
Waldmeister 27 Mar 2006
In reply to Jimbo MSider: It is a very basic hut. They do have light, hot showers but no cooking facility (bring your stove). Sleeping in bunk room is 6€, but sleeping in a tent is cheaper and nicer! The setting is fantastic and you have nearly all the sectors within walking distance!
 Al Evans 27 Mar 2006
In reply to Waldmeister: The Orange house has a bunkhouse attatchment, not sure how much it is these days but you get the advantage of a use of the pool. Get in touch with Sam.
Sam M 27 Mar 2006
In reply to Al Evans:

Thanks Al, but these guys don´t have the use of a car and we are not ideal for walking to the crags :0)

Agua Ventura is nice and I think you can just about walk to the crag!

Sam Orange

OP SebCa 27 Mar 2006
In reply to Sam M: Beat me to it! Cheers Sam, going to have a butchers now
NorfolkSteve 27 Mar 2006
In reply to Jimbo MSider:
The Refugio is a great place to stay, so long as you don't expect anything more sophisticated than a camping barn.

It's spacious, has plenty of seating downstairs and an indoor cooking area (its best to bring your own stove etc) and there's a small stove for burning firewood that chucks out some serious heat when it's going (nice when it goes cold at night). Upstairs is a large comunal sleeping area with matresses (you need to bring a sleeping bag). Toilets are basic but OK, and washing /showers are good. In the past I have camped, and used the refugio in the evenings (candles provide adequate light and add to the atmosphere) and to sleep when it rains!

The best things about the Refugio are its location - 50 yards from the climbing, beautiful and quiet location - you'd never know you were 15kms from Benedorm, and the international mix of climbers staying there.

Just a note - camping is officially not allowed within the park, but a limited amount is tolerated by the Refugio - just be prepared to move your tent to where the rangers tell you is OK, even if you can't understand why it makes any difference.

Finally, the Refugio was set up by a couple of local guys who put up a great many of the routes around here and were responsible for much of the development of Sella - so its nice to give something back...
Sam M 27 Mar 2006
In reply to NorfolkSteve:

When was the last time you visited Steve and do you know the guys that set it up?

and when you say around here, I take it that means that you live over here in Spain.

P.S I was in the refugio this morning so I know what the place looks like at the moment and will say nothing!!

sam Orange

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