outdoordesigns: rucksack liner

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Daniel 03 Jun 2002
Has anyone used a outdoordesigns: rucksack liner? Are they better than the usual bin-liner at keep the inside of your pack dry? Is the size to pack size guide for them accurite?


 sutty 03 Jun 2002
In reply to Daniel:
Why use either? Buy a survival bag and use that with the excess folded away. Always there when you want it then, just lift out, invert into sack and climb in.
OP Anonymous 03 Jun 2002
In reply to Daniel: Use a couple of their nice cheap dry bags, everything stays BONE dry!
OP Anonymous 03 Jun 2002
In reply to Daniel:

the ortileb dry bags a much better - if your buying a drybag - get one of these!
OP Anonymous 03 Jun 2002
In reply to Anonymous: Yeah, if you want to pay three times as much!! They are a lot heavier, and overkill as a rucksack liner. Much better for stuff were you intend to immerse them. I'm not knocking them, they're great but definitely overkill for this use!
BenP 04 Jun 2002
In reply to Daniel:

I was bought a 60 - 80ltr one, so I use it and find it great. Not sure if I'd buy one myself though.

The survival bag option was a good one, negates the need to carry a survival bag, and saves you a bit of cash.


 Jem 05 Jun 2002
In reply to Daniel: don't waste your cash on these marketing gimmicks, nothing wrong with tough garden sacks, probably 50litres + and 50p or less...
Martin Brierley 05 Jun 2002
In reply to Jem:

I've always used two binbags to fine effect!

fine as long as you're not going scuba diving with it!

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