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 Batt 26 May 2007

Going to Ireland in mid August. Thinking of heading for Galway area camping/hiking/climbing/scrambling but have absolutely no idea what there is over there (recommended by a mate who doesn't climb but says it might have interest for me). Have seen pictures of the 'carrott' area looks good but there seems to be limited/no information on it anywhere (I mean MCI/BMC/amazon). Found a couple of posts on here but after a bit more info.

Does anyone know any guidebooks that might cover it (they reckon £142 for the 'rock climbing in ireland' guide on amazon!)??

Kind of looking for long scrambles, maybe couple of days out carry the tent type stuff and some single/multi-pitch climbing (up to VS). Have a week to fill. Have a car so transport not a prob.

Any suggestions? Absolutely anything at all....anyone...please?!
 Niall 26 May 2007
In reply to hereanthere:

Not sure about guidebooks off the top of my head, but you'll find info and links on

In reply to hereanthere:

You want the 12 Bens guide (FMCI published) for the Carrot Ridge area routes, all long and impressive. If you want pure rock climbing go to the Clare Sea cliffs for short steep pure clean limestone
 tobyfk 27 May 2007
In reply to hereanthere:

It sounds like you are heading toward Connemara to the north of Galway. If so, Ailladie, the classic limestone crag in county Clare south of Galway, mentioned higher in the thread is in the wrong direction for you. But if you are tempted, get the FMCI Burren guide.

The original FMCI guides for the various Connemara cliffs are long out of print. But content is all on somewhere (the site navigation for the online guides is all f*cked up at present). The Carrot Ridge crag looks good from the road but up close is vegetated like some mid-Wales horror. Probably fun if combined with a hike over some of the Twelve Bens though. The nearest thing to a normal crag around there is Little Killary which has some nice single-pitch routes. The classics are the Pinnacle (VDiff), The Quiet (HVS) and Drown in the Sky (E4).

Due to the dire weather in Eire, Irish climbers seem to boulder a lot (between the showers, right?). I'd recommend downloading the guide at There are a few areas in Connemara listed there.

If you like sea cliff scenery, there are jawdropping cliffs to look at on the Aran Islands ( see Burren guide) and Inishturk ( ). Both/ either worth visiting even if you don't plan to climb.

Watch 'Tristan and Isolde' for a preview of the scenery before you go and do visit the beach at Glassilaun. A good place to camp in fact. Enjoy ...
 chris fox 27 May 2007
In reply to hereanthere:

You can also take a 'rest' day in Ennis (pronounced Iness).

When i was the the pub count was 77, so guess by now it's into trebble figures!!!
 Mick Ward 27 May 2007
In reply to hereanthere:

Well I'd like to put in a vote for Carrot Ridge. I did it in the 1960s and, although young and impressionable, remember it as a lovely route.

In the 1950s there was an article, 'Western Interlude', about the tranquillity of Glen Inagh. I hope the tranquillity is still there... and that you find it.


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