AMI Membership question..

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 KA 03 Oct 2009
I am looking to join AMI, but a friend recently said that they only renew all memberships once a year, so if I were to join after that renewal date, my one year fee would only last until the next renewal date, so in theory, were I to join 4 months before that renewal date and pay a years whack, I would loose out on 8 months membership.

Is what I heard nonsense? I can't find any info on the AMI site.
 akhughes 03 Oct 2009
In reply to KA: hi ken,

From memory this sounds right. it is worth giving them a ring as they might have changed, but i doubt it.
OP KA 03 Oct 2009
In reply to akhughes: Thanks for that, do you happen to know if the same system applies to their Professional Insurance? I assume, and would really hope not!
 Danny Mac 03 Oct 2009
In reply to KA: When I first joined AMI (in October) I needed their insurance. They let me have it for about half price for that year only. They usually allow you to do this but only in your first year of membership. I'm pretty sure that I paid full price for the membership though. Phone the AMI office on Monday they will be able to tell you. They are always pretty helpful.

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