Scarpa Manta Tech vs Charmoz HD

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 Oscar Dodd 19 Feb 2022

My beloved Scarpa Charmoz Pro have pretty much had it - I can even feel the wind getting through a mysterious hole in one of the boots, so it's about time for a new pair. I'm deciding between the Charmoz HD and the Manta Techs - both look like great boots, but I'm caught for which to go for.

I'd mostly be using them for Scottish winter walking (and potentially some low-grade mountaineering in the near future),  scrambling year-round, a bit of winter backpacking, and the odd bit of Alpine stuff too. 

Big concern with the Charmoz is how is the waterproofness. Obviously, they're not Goretex and have this H-Dry thing instead. Has anyone got any experience with it? Am I right in saying they're not leather either - so is durability worse than with the Mantas?

My worry with the Mantas is the fit. I've loved the fit of the Charmoz for my big feet (size 13/48) and have never gotten a blister with them. How do the fits of the boot compare?

Cheers guys!

 leon 1 19 Feb 2022
In reply to Oscar Dodd: Different lasts on those boots fit different shapes of feet.

Ive had two pairs of Charmoz Pro and found that they fit me really well. The previous incarnation of Mantas (because thats when I last had a pair) just didnt fit my feet at all with rubbing in the forefoot and heel lift.  I sold them and swapped back to another pair of Charmoz and all is well again 

For what its worth Id personally put up with less durable boots for the sake of comfort and being able to wear them all day But thats just how MY feet fit them (size 46)

Post edited at 10:54
OP Oscar Dodd 19 Feb 2022
In reply to leon 1:

Cheers - this is mega useful. Yeah - sounds like they have quite a different fit - so defo nervous of switching as the older Charmoz have fitted me so nicely. 

 Basemetal 19 Feb 2022
In reply to Oscar Dodd:

I'd also consider the Scarpa Triolet GTX. Decathlon & Trekk-inn etc still have them and they're the most comfortable climbing boots I've worn. I understand them to be "Leather Charmoz" with Goretex. I've even met folk hillwalking in summer wearing them -a measure of how comfortable they are -principally due to lightness rather than flexibility as they're still a solid B2. I replaced mine only becauseI want a B3 in my size 46 so upped to Mont Blancs.

Post edited at 11:40
 nathan79 19 Feb 2022
In reply to Oscar Dodd:

If my memory is correct H-Dry is Scarpa's new name for OutDry. I've got a pair of Scarpa Marmolada Trek with the OutDry system. They've always kept my feet dry, maybe not as warm as Goretex (which may be good or bad) but up to the job.

 beardy mike 19 Feb 2022
In reply to Basemetal:

I've had the original incarnation of the Triolet for something like 15 years now. They are showing their age as you'd expect, but I'll have them resolved and repaired and they will keep going. Have climbed WI4+ at -13 in them (although they weren't warm enough) - they are a super capable boot.

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