Collapsing Beta Clipstick

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 Wayne.Gaudin 18 Jan 2023

I have the longest old beta clipstick, but it barely locks the top section (the red bit) and it rotates 95% of the time with a qd and rope in it.

I haven't found a way to fix this.

Anyone had this problem and solved it?

 Climber_Bill 18 Jan 2023
In reply to Wayne.Gaudin:

I couldn’t find a way to keep the end piece extended without rotating either.

My solution was to drill a hole with the end closed, put a small screw all the way through and then file the end of the screw flush. Obviously, the final red piece doesn’t extend anymore but the stick is still useable.

Hope that helps. 

 Holdtickler 18 Jan 2023
In reply to Wayne.Gaudin:

finger tape?

 Alkis 18 Jan 2023
In reply to Wayne.Gaudin:

It's a dire design, I have multiple sections not locking and then just collapsing and rotating now. If it weren't for the fact that I got the longest one on clearance when the much better newer version got released I would have kicked it out ages ago.

 James Malloch 18 Jan 2023
In reply to Wayne.Gaudin:

Mine is similar, but locks if it’s not fully extended.

Seems a bit temperamental, but mine have been going for about 10 years and still working on the whole 👍🏻

In reply to Wayne.Gaudin:

I had the original beta stick. Aluminium and unpainted, long. Broke very quickly but managed to keep using for a decade or so. Then have had multiple new beta sticks that all break within a few weeks regardless of how you treat them.

Now I've got a Pongoose. Expensive but far far better. Ditch the beta stick and get a Pongoose is my advice!

In reply to Wayne.Gaudin:

Emailed you!

 jezb1 18 Jan 2023
In reply to A Longleat Boulderer:

> I had the original beta stick. Aluminium and unpainted, long. Broke very quickly but managed to keep using for a decade or so. Then have had multiple new beta sticks that all break within a few weeks regardless of how you treat them.

> Now I've got a Pongoose. Expensive but far far better. Ditch the beta stick and get a Pongoose is my advice!


 Iamgregp 18 Jan 2023
In reply to A Longleat Boulderer:

The new beta sticks with the green locking clasps rather than the twist locks are much better than the old version. Much more robust contraction and they don’t slip and fail like the old version… collapse down shorter too

 jezb1 18 Jan 2023
In reply to Iamgregp:

Ive got a new style one and use a few other peoples too, they all slip sooner or later in my experience. 

 Alkis 18 Jan 2023
In reply to jezb1:

At least when they ship they don't end up freely spinning, usually resulting in having to collapse the whole thing and starting over.

 Iamgregp 18 Jan 2023
In reply to jezb1:

In the end, everything turns to kipple

 JIMBO 18 Jan 2023
In reply to jezb1:

the slipping is easily fixed by adding a small sliver of plastic in the clamp... takes seconds to do if you know how... there is a video on YouTube to show how it is done

 jezb1 18 Jan 2023
In reply to Iamgregp:

> In the end, everything turns to kipple

Very true, but Beta sticks seem in a rush.

 jezb1 18 Jan 2023
In reply to JIMBO:

Fair enough, just be nice if they lasted a bit longer before needing repairs.

 Rob Parsons 18 Jan 2023
In reply to Euan McKendrick:

Your website (which you advertise in your post here) looks a little sad. 'Latest News: 24/09/2019.'

Just a comment.

OP Wayne.Gaudin 18 Jan 2023
In reply to Wayne.Gaudin:

Many thanks all for the advice.

In reply to Rob Parsons:

I know, we're in the process of updating.

Just as a general question and not trying to hijack the thread but what information/content would you want to see on the website?

In reply to Iamgregp:

I've had several. And at random stages the locking mechanisms in one of various clasps explodes making the thing virtually unusable. I'm far from alone in experiencing this.

The beta design is brill, but the materials in the clasp are too brittle. If they could sort this out that would change the game!

Post edited at 20:28
 CantClimbTom 18 Jan 2023
In reply to Wayne.Gaudin:

I suggest you ask them, see what they say. I once asked a question about a suspected defect and although there was a couple of days to respond they were friendly and helpful 

[email protected]

In reply to A Longleat Boulderer:

In their defence they sent me a replacement plastic clamp bit foc for my split one. 

I've found it's fine as long as you a) use the big fat sections first and b) don't extend them all the way if you don't have to. Keep a few inches of each back for stability and it doesn't stress the plastic anywhere near as much.

However not long after I replaced the broken bit someone at the crag borrowed it, and, predictably extended only the smallest, weakest, section and split the clamp 🙄

In reply to Longsufferingropeholder:

If you're interested we did a fair amount of development of the claps in the last 12 months.

If you took one of the old ones apart it would have 3 seperate collars, we've totally remolded it to remove the problem of the collars breaking etc. 

The below video explains it so much better than I am right now!!

In reply to Euan McKendrick:

> Just as a general question and not trying to hijack the thread but what information/content would you want to see on the website?

"Spare parts" shop section. Would be great to be able to buy replacements easily without having to bother someone. More than happy to pay for the bit but I need a new smallest clamp thing 😁

 gravy 18 Jan 2023
In reply to Euan McKendrick:

I think I've got the same stick and the same problem - could you email me?

 Simon King 19 Jan 2023
In reply to Wayne.Gaudin:

I superglued mine!

 net 20 Jan 2023
In reply to Wayne.Gaudin:

I bought a brand new beta stick (one of the ones that looked like a clarinet with keys rather then a twist lock). The rubber bit on the end fell off so I super glued it back on but I didn't to extend the stick first (major mistake, d'oh), so if course it gunked it all up and stuck the layers together.

Then in trying to extract the sections (with some over enthusiastic pulling) broke the fragile clips in one section, and now it's knackered before ever being used in anger!

In reply to Longsufferingropeholder:

Had a go at drawing it and printed myself one. Semi-surprisingly it works really well, and I made it thicker at the back where the original split so hopefully will be robust. If anyone wants the stl give me a shout.

 Iamgregp 01 Feb 2023
In reply to Longsufferingropeholder:

Bloody hell, that’s impressive! 

 biscuit 01 Feb 2023
In reply to Longsufferingropeholder:

Yes please!

In reply to biscuit:

Edit: Hopefully obvious but you'll want to flip it other way up before printing. Sorry, forgot to do that before I exported.

Edit edit: and use ABS with 100% infill, or print hollow and epoxy fill, or whatever you do to make strong parts, obvs. My PLA fit test print served its purpose but didn't stand a chance.

Post edited at 18:51
 biscuit 04 Feb 2023
In reply to Longsufferingropeholder:

Brilliant - thanks for that. I’ll try it out next week.

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