Vango National Trust tents

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 Conor1 23 Jul 2023

Does anyone have any experience of these tents? They're sold exclusively through Go Outdoors, so hard to find reviews online.

The one I'm looking at is the Brecon 450XL. The couple of potential flaws I spotted were hydrostatic head of 4000 (anyone have thoughts on whether this is enough for UK 2 season camping?) and blackout bedrooms that seem a bit brighter than other blackouts.

Would also welcome any thoughts on alternative family tents around £500.


 gld73 23 Jul 2023
In reply to Conor1:

I've got no opinion to offer on that model of tent, but might be worth asking on the UK Campsite tent buying forum if you haven't already - plus you can see discussions on other tent models that might be worth considering too:

 J72 23 Jul 2023
In reply to Conor1:

We bought the vango lismore and have had it out a few times.  It’s withstood some fairly brisk breezes (10mph-15mph) and a lot of rain.

unsure on price now but I think the 4 or 5 person model would be around your budget and suitably large for a family (depending what size your family is!).

as with all tents that size it’d be for campsite camping or heavily manicured flat spaces only but assume that’s the main use from your post?

OP Conor1 24 Jul 2023
In reply to Conor1:

Thanks both, very helpful

 magma 24 Jul 2023
In reply to J72:

the lismore 450 looks good- are we talking air tents?. what's the advantage? the air version of the lismore seems to be double the price..

 J72 24 Jul 2023
In reply to magma:

I’ve got the bigger one (600 I think?) - I got the pole version so can’t comment and have never owned an ‘air’ tent - mostly on the basis, probably incorrectly, that a puncture may occur.

 magma 24 Jul 2023
In reply to J72:

thanks. i'm researching on behalf of a friend. she's seen a vango illusion 800 air for a good price (and weight ~50kg)..

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