Vintage climbing shop catalogues (early 1960s)

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 Mark Stevenson (user since 08/Dec/01) 17 Jan 2024

I've come across a couple of amazing mountaineering equipment catalogues from around 1962 for the two main Lakeland climbing and mountaineering shops of the era. Before I donate them somewhere worthy, is anyone on here passionate enough about such things to offer me some money for them? 

The George Fisher Mountain Equipment catalogue is a small, well produced 56 page booklet that was originally charged at one shilling with the proceeds going to Mountain Rescue. 

I also have a catalogue from The Climbers' Shop from the same era with the title "modern climbing equipment". Slightly larger and slimmer with 32 pages and a bright red cover. It even has a picture and bio for Joe Brown on the inside rear cover.

Both are in superb condition for their age, and must be pretty rare as I've never come across them in many years of collecting old climbing and mountaineering books.

I have no idea what, if anything, they are worth but I do know how much I pay for similar size and condition climbing guidebooks from that era.

Anyway I'm open to any serious offers. 

Equally if anyone has any specific questions about them, please do get in touch. I wasn't sure whether to do a for sale post or just post more generally about them in the gear forum.

Post edited at 15:48
 DamonRoberts 18 Jan 2024
In reply to Mark Stevenson:

An old mountain bike forum I used to frequent hosts a digital library of old catalogues and manuals. For someone trying to build up a period correct bike that kind of detail is invaluable, there is less demand for retro climbing gear! Regardless, there must be some mountaineering gear archivist types out there that'd appreciate scans from them. 

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