JOBS: New Jobs this week

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 UKC Gear 29 Mar 2024
Below is a summary of the Job Finder added to the site in the last week:

JOBS: Duty Manager (Operations) at The Project Climbing Centre 28-Mar-24

A little bit about us...   Our primary aim is to create a space in which our community can thrive, grow, and progress. We are a forward-looking...

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Boulder ShackJOBS: Duty Manager at Boulder Shack 26-Mar-24

We believe in valuing every member of our Team and supporting them on a journey to be the best version of themselves possible. Everyone's voice is listened to and celebrated. Shack is a rewarding, energetic space that is fun to be part of. At times it's challenging, but together, our Team is a force to be reckoned with, and comes together when called upon. At the heart of Shack's success are our leaders, your work will shape our future. If you're willing to step-in and lead with pride, respect and commitment we will achieve amazing things for the community we serve.

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