Ecrins Snow

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 HardenClimber 18 May 2024

Am going to be in Ailefroide from mid June... Going for the window before it all goes soft....

There is a lot of snow....

Is anyone brave enough to guess what conditions will be like in a months time?  Even had the pessimists suggesting the roads further up will not be open...

 Juan S 18 May 2024
In reply to HardenClimber:

As I'll be there at that time, happy to share my guess. Which is just that, a complete guess.

I reckon the snow line in mid june will be between 2,500m and 3,000m. All roads open (Ailefroide is already open, past Ailefroide and close to Pre. By mid June i guess it will be open all the way to Pre de Mme Carle). B2s, crampons and ice axe needed for most stuff at altitude that one would be able to do in approach shoes on drier years.

OP HardenClimber 18 May 2024
In reply to Juan S:

> As I'll be there at that time, happy to share my guess. Which is just that, a complete guess.

> I reckon the snow line in mid june will be between 2,500m and 3,000m. All roads open (Ailefroide is already open, past Ailefroide and close to Pre. By mid June i guess it will be open all the way to Pre de Mme Carle). B2s, crampons and ice axe needed for most stuff at altitude that one would be able to do in approach shoes on drier years.

Thanks.... that is rather what I'm guessing at... Hopefully the higher snow will have settled down...

 Juan S 18 May 2024

> Hopefully the higher snow will have settled down...

That's what I'm hoping too. But it needs to stop snowing at altitude. The avalanche risk was still 3 yesterday after snows above 2,000m to 2-500m this week. It's gone down to 2 today but there is more rain/snow forecast for the next couple of weeks. I hope we don't need avalanche gear!

 Jp 13:04 Fri
In reply to HardenClimber:


Trying to build up a picture from different sources. The Chamoniarde/Alpine club reports are helpful, even if they are for the Cham area. 

In reply to HardenClimber: The Pelvoux hut has opened this week, they will give regular conditions reports. The traverse of the Pelvoux was done this week but on Skis.

The opening of the road from Ailefroide to the top of the valley has been delayed until 7th June.

Sure there will be stuff to do you will just have to be flexible on your objectives.

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