North Wales Winters

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Burn the suit! 24 May 2004
Did north wales have a good inwter season this year? I heard that the devils appendix touched down which is good but does this happen most winters or rare winters. Whats the mixed climbing like there as well if any?
James Jackson 24 May 2004
In reply to Burn the suit!:

There was stuff there if you got up at the right time!
OP me 24 May 2004
In reply to Burn the suit!:

I was climbing in cwm idwal on the last weekend of Feb and saw climbers on the devil's appendix + have got a couple of pics of it. Looked scary!
RobE 24 May 2004
In reply to Burn the suit!:

I think someone on here was saying conditions were the best in ten years and it's a rarity these days for Devil's Appendix to be in nick. There was plenty to go at this season if you caught the cold spells right.
OP SB 24 May 2004
The Devils Appendix was climbable for a few days around the last weekend in Feb. We climbed it on the Sunday (29th) but traversed in from the R avoiding the not-quite-formed 1st pitch (as did another team who came up after us). As far as I know the first pitch was not climbed this year. Apart from this I havent ice climbed in Wales now for a quite a few years due to poor conditions. My mate led the 1st pitch of DA 25 years ago so he can now tick the whole route !!!
 gear boy 24 May 2004
In reply to SB:
My mate led the 1st pitch of DA 25 years ago so he can now tick the whole route !!!

i heard that was MF,
did screen and curtain same weekend, was good as it has been for a few years, you can climb every winter in north wales you just have to have good timing, usually not at the weekend though
In reply to RobE:

> I think someone on here was saying conditions were the best in ten years and it's a rarity these days for Devil's Appendix to be in nick. There was plenty to go at this season if you caught the cold spells right.

Tell me about it, everyone has been moaning about it being such a bad winter but everytime i got away we always found some snow / ice to play on.
sure it wasnt as good as they have been but its not that bad.

Pip 26 May 2004
In reply to Burn the suit!:

There was mixed and a bit of doggie ice on Cadair Idris. It was the best winter conditions in nine years i was told, there
was snow all the way down to the beach in Aberystwyth and Barmouth.
OP Anonymous 28 May 2004
did trojan form this year?

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