kalymnos mid-june to mid july

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liza 25 May 2004
i'm hanging out in greece for much of june and july and wanted to check out the climbing in Kalymnos. I don't have a partner to climb there with--any advice on where the climbers hang out, the best place to find someone? any other advice on best places to stay etc? I can spend about a week there, and am fairly flexible as to the timing of it.
 Gecko18 26 May 2004
In reply to liza:
Most climbers hang out in Steve and Sue's Glaros Snack Bar in Massouri (It isually quite an international group). Massouri also has good cheap accomodation and is only 5-10 minutes by scooter from the start of the walk in for most climbing sectors.
 GrahamD 26 May 2004
In reply to liza:

To be honest, I would imagine most climbers would hang out in places other than Kalymnos in July ! It will be HOT. If you are going, There is the Glaros bar and a little climbing shop close to each other.
 Alex Pryor 26 May 2004
In reply to GrahamD:

Agreed. Nearly all Kalymnos crags get the sun by lunchtime (except Castelli). It was hot enough in October - it'll be unclimbable in the sun in July
liza 26 May 2004
In reply to Alex Pryor:

thanks for the heads up about the heat--which i expected, but good to have confirmation about! so october is still warm enough?
 Gecko18 27 May 2004
In reply to liza: It can be chilly if windy in October - take a duvet jacket just in case - but can still be hot in the sun too. As usual, it is best to look at the orientation of the individual crags with respect to the sun and plan your trips accordingly.
 Alex Pryor 27 May 2004
In reply to liza:

We went in October about 2 years ago. It was too hot, rather than too cold. As I said above, most crags are in the sun for most of the day, so it's difficult to find shade, except on Castelli.

The sea is always accessible (30 mins at most) and is lovely and warm in Oct. A lunchtime dip is very refreshing.

You'll find more info here:

If it's at all windy watch out for cancelled ferries! We missed our flight and had to pay £300 to get home (to Heathrow instead of Manchester!) - but managed to claim it on cancellation insurance.

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