Climbs 106
Rocktype Gneiss
Altitude 80m a.s.l
Faces W

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Morgan getting baked on The Pillar. © The Big Sender

Crag features

A domed hillside of gneiss crags, which offer some of the best low-level cragging in the Northwest Highlands. The rock quality on some of the crags, in particular the Main Wall, is exceptional.

In spite of the numerous 'dire' puns in route names, locals pronounce the place "DEE-a-baig". Easy to remember as it actually sounds similar to its English translation, 'deep bay'.

Approach notes

Park in front of the pub, not at the end of the road. You will first go through someone's driveway to access the coastal path - please close the gates and when you see the stone water shed go right. For the main cliff area, follow the OS maps coastal path, this will go uphill and you will encounter a small section with some blue rope to help you up in the first few minutes on the path. It will take about 10-15mins to get to. To go to the Pillar section don't go up via the roped section, continue down to the water front following the faint path to another small scramble up where you can see the pillar area above you. 

A tick heavy area - beware.

Abseil from top peg anchor to the shelf with the second anchor is 35m
Kirky1002 - 22/May/24
55m abseil from new pegs/rope slings/maillon at top of pitch 2 of Foil; this is about 10m right of the previous abseil anchor from the perched block at the top of The Black Streak. There is currently also an abseil anchor on the large grass ledge at the top of first pitch - 25m abseil from here.
Gary Latter - 29/Jun/19
As previous comments; restaurant in Diabaig is fantastic and 60m ropes get you down from the tat at the top. Bolts at 1/3 height ledge in place as of April 2019...not entirely sure why.
spidermonkey09 - 24/Apr/19
There's now a fantastic restaurant in the village, well positioned for a post climb meal and beer - but it's advisable to book if you want a table.
planetmarshall - 12/Sep/15
Watch out for ticks of the unwelcome type. The path is crawling with them.
Mike-W-99 - 06/Jun/12
60m ropes will get you down in one go from the top of Black Streak on the Main Cliff
mtempest - 04/Jun/11
It's hard to imagine a more perfect crag. Absolutely stunning!
Tom Last - 07/Aug/10
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