Fowler and Turnbull Nepal FA - More Info

© Mick Fowler and Dave Turnbull
As previously reported on UKC, Mick Fowler and Dave Turnbull have succeeded in making the first ascent of Gojung (6310m) – also known as Mugu Chuli – in the Himalaya.

Fowler and Turnbull took four days to climb the mountain via a technical central ice couloir line on the imposing west face. They then traversed the summit ridge and continued north, making the first ascent of a second, unnamed 6264m peak, before descending west to the upper reaches of the glacier from which they had started.

Mick Fowler and Dave Turnbull  © Mick Fowler and Dave Turnbull
Mick Fowler and Dave Turnbull
© Mick Fowler and Dave Turnbull

Mick Fowler commented:

"This was a brilliant outing - one of the best I have done. It had all of the right ingredients to make a great trip - remote area, challenging to get to, interesting culture, lots of eye opening sights. And that was before reaching the mountain.

The climb itself also had exactly the criteria that attract me. There was wonderful, technically challenging climbing, it was objectively safe, with an unclimbed, eye catching line leading directly to a similarly unclimbed summit, and there was a different route of descent. We were even able to add a subsidiary first ascent on the way down.

Add in incidents such as crashed aircraft (the airline that we flew in with had no active planes at all by the time we flew out!), and amazing landslides from the heavy monsoon that at one point looked as if they would stop us even getting to the mountain, and we had a full selection of memorable moments. To overcome them all and achieve exactly what we set out to do - and find the climb even better than we had expected - has to make it all add up to one of the best and most enjoyable trips I have been on."

Dave Turnbull climbing the summit ice slopes on the first ascent of Gojung  © Mick Fowler and Dave Turnbull
Dave Turnbull climbing the summit ice slopes on the first ascent of Gojung
© Mick Fowler and Dave Turnbull

Gojung stands in the Kapthang range on the Nepal/Tibet border and was first noticed in 2008 by a Spanish team who referred to it as 'outstanding' and made an unsuccessful attempt on it in 2009.

Mick Fowler is a member of the Berghaus team of climbers and plays an active role in the development of the brand's latest technical products. He is also president of the Alpine Club, having been elected to the position last December. Fowler works for HM Revenue and Customs in the United Kingdom and manages to fit his expeditions around a full time job. Climbing partner Dave Turnbull is the chief executive of the British Mountaineering Council ( BMC).

Viewing the unclimbed west face of Gojung (6310m) before the ascent. The route takes the central R to L slanting line
© Mick Fowler and Dave Turnbull

Mick Fowler is sponsored by Berghaus

Mick and Dave used clothing and equipment from Berghaus' latest Extrem range, and tested prototypes of products that are being developed for future seasons.

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10 Nov, 2011
Awesome stuff!
10 Nov, 2011
Such a good line. Proper legends.
10 Nov, 2011
9-10lbs I reckon
10 Nov, 2011
Great achievement guys, must have been an awesome feeling, wish I was there !
10 Nov, 2011
Great stuff Dave and Mick
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