Fri Night Vid - Orbayu - Nico Favresse and Adam Pustelnik

© Black Diamond
This week's Fri Night Vid is from Black Diamond.

They say:

"In this video Nico Favresse and Adam Pustelnik make the first repeat of Orbayu, a multi-pitch line on Spain's Naranjo de Bulnes, which at 8c+/9a had been hailed as the world's hardest big wall free climb.

Although the pair felt the route was not as hard as it was originally trumpeted (they graded it more in the 8b+/8c range), they had nothing but high praise for the route's quality.

At the end of the video you'll see footage of Adam as he is stabilized, rescued and hospitalized after a terrible ground-fall while attempting a new line with Nico after they had redpointed Orbayu. Adam continues to make progress in his recovery and we look forward to seeing him back cranking on the rock in 2012."

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4 Nov, 2011
What is that soup/drink in the jam jar with the straw?
4 Nov, 2011
Mate (with accent on the e). Its an Argentinian obsession and tastes absolutely foul.
4 Nov, 2011
It's pronounced MA-te with an accent on the A. It's a bitter tea drink typical of Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay and is the drink of choice in Patagonia. It has a great caffeine kick and is rather addictive.
4 Nov, 2011
Adam is good guy, him and his buddies walked up from camp 4 especially to help me get all my shit down from the base of a wall in yosemite after i injured myself in a fall. I hope he gets well soon.
4 Nov, 2011
Sobering ending to the film. Man those guys are kicking ass though, great watch.
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