Chasing winter - trailerVideo

© Paul Robinson
Chasing Winter  © Paul Robinson
Chasing Winter
© Paul Robinson

21 January PRAK media and Born Denali, i.e. Paul Robinson and Carlo Traversi, release Chasing winter

Paul, Carlo, Ashima Shiraishi and others goes hunting for new lines and optimal conditions in southern Africa.

When summer hits the northern hemisphere and the rays of sunshine intensify, as climbers, we begin to wonder what options we have in our endless pursuit of optimal conditions for hard ascents. If only we could forever enjoy the cold, dry conditions of winter, year round. Well, lucky for us we can...

As usual the film features a long list of very hard problems, including several 8B's and 8B+'s, some of which are first ascents.

Personally, I don't know about the title. Winter to me means lots of snow and several degrees below zero, and I suspect that's not really what they are after. Shorts, t-shirts and surfing guys... I think the word you're looking for might be "summer"?

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22 Dec, 2012
Carlo seems to have forgotten his blow torch....
22 Dec, 2012
Wow. I must have missed some proper scandal at some point. Explain?
22 Dec, 2012
I'm similarly curious.
23 Dec, 2012
If you read all of Mr Birch's previous posts (only takes 30sec), a certain theme emerges.
24 Dec, 2012
Will there be gangstas and guns in this one? Hope so.
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