Sport Climbing Makes Tokyo 2020 Olympics

© Tokyo 2020

Following a vote at the 129th Session of the International Olympic Committee in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sport Climbing has been selected as part of a package of five new sports - alongside baseball/softball, surfing, skateboarding and karate - to be included in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. The Session voted unanimously for the inclusion of the package, after a question-and-answer session with members of the Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee.

Tokyo 2020  © Tokyo 2020
Tokyo 2020
© Tokyo 2020

Sport Climbing as an Olympic event will consist of a two-day event including all three disciplines - Lead, Boulder and Speed - for 40 athletes, 20 male and 20 female. The combined result from rankings in these three disciplines will determine the overall podium-finishers.

The package was selected to promote gender equality while also focusing on innovative and exciting sports for Japan and the wider international community. The sports were also recognised for their focus on youth development, which is at the heart of the Games' vision for Tokyo 2020.

This announcement is the summation of years of dedication to the Olympic bid by the International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC) and the worldwide climbing federations who have supported the campaign, including the British Mountaineering Council and the Mountaineering Council of Scotland.

The technicalities of selecting athletes to compete in the Sport Climbing event will be discussed in detail at the IFSC Climbing World Championship in Paris on 14th-18th September. The selection process will then be drafted and presented on March 17th, 2017, at the IFSC Plenary Assembly in Quebec City, Canada.

Following the announcement, IFSC President Marco Scolaris - who was present at the IOC Session in Rio de Janeiro - commented: 'We are so happy that Sport Climbing will be participating in the Games of Tokyo. We have reached the final hold of our unbelievable climb, but another climb awaits us. Our team is committed to preparing Sport Climbing for the Olympic Games, and over the next four years we will continue to work with the IOC to do so.'

Read the official announcement on the website.

Follow the Climb2020 Facebook campaign.

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3 Aug, 2016
Looking forward to walls with speed setups now!
3 Aug, 2016
Shame the format is wank
3 Aug, 2016
Not clear of it is separate male/female competition, I assume so?
3 Aug, 2016
Great news for the athletes. Truly is. May not be great news for normals when land owners start trying to charge us to climb on their property.
3 Aug, 2016
As it's lead, speed and boulder I might have a visit to the bookies for a bet On Janja Garnbret for gold.
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