CAC Fundraiser Edward Mills wins Pride of Britain Award

© UKC News

In June, 8-year-old Edward Mills became the youngest person to free Orkney's Old Man of Hoy (137m) and raised over £30,000 for the charity Climbers Against Cancer in the process. In recognition of his fundraising effort, Edward has won a Pride of Britain award. The presentation will be televised on Tuesday 6th November.

Edward receives his Pride of Britain Award.
© Climbers Against Cancer

For as long as Edward can remember, his mum Bekki has been living with breast cancer, which has spread to her liver and spine in the last 12 months. Edward's love for his mum fuelled a long-held ambition to climb the Old Man of Hoy and raise money for Climbers Against Cancer in doing so.

Edward's ascent and the story behind his climb captured the hearts of the nation, with countless mainstream news reports online and on the TV and radio. UKC interviewed Edward and his mum about his adventure.

Through the worldwide climbing community, Climbers Against Cancer or 'CAC' - founded by the late John Ellison (UKC interview) - aims to increase awareness and raise funds for cancer research. CAC is a non-profit organisation, with all proceeds donated directly to cancer research facilities throughout the world. John passed away in 2015, but the work of the charity is ongoing.

Edward with his Pride of Britain Award.
© Climbers Against Cancer

Despite the media interest in his story, Edward remains grounded. When asked in his UKC interview how he felt about his story being on TV and all over the internet, Edward responded:

'It was exciting to be on the TV, on the news, my grandma and grandad saw me and they really liked it. My mum doesn't let me look at the internet or Facebook so I haven't seen that. I looked at the Instagram pictures. I like looking at other people climbing on Instagram so it was cool that other people could see me. The best bit is climbing. I prefer climbing to being on TV.'

Tune in to the Pride of Britain Awards on ITV on Tuesday 6th November to watch Edward receive his award.

Edward was recently featured in our UKC Humans of Climbing series on social media:

Visit Edward's fundraising page.

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2 Nov, 2018

Fantastic achievement and apologies if this has mentioned before, but the article and the original story it links to refers to him being the youngest person to “free” the Old Man. I’m assuming it hasn’t been aid-climbed by a 7 year old.

Is there a reason why the article doesn’t just refer to him being the youngest person to climb the Old Man. Freeing also suggests to me that he led the route, which quite understandably he didn’t.

I think - from recollection - there was an instance of a younger lad being dragged (quite literally) up by his father.

2 Nov, 2018

 > Is there a reason why the article doesn’t just refer to him being the youngest person to climb the Old Man. Freeing also suggests to me that he led the route, which quite understandably he didn’t.

I think free climbing whilst seconding is a perfectly acceptable category and is to be congratulated in this specific example. 

2 Nov, 2018

Is this not another example of the insidious creep of an American term into the British climbing language. We already hear 'off-belay'  'stem' and 'free-solo' and heaven's know what else. Soon we shall accept the American dictionary for all our spelling if MS, Google, Apple  et al have their way!

3 Nov, 2018

Out of curiosity what did we used to shout when we took someone off belay before ‘off-belay’?

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