Outdoor Climbing to be renamed 'Wild Climbing'

© Tim Hill

The BMC has announced that outdoor climbing, also known as rock climbing, is to be renamed 'Wild Climbing' in line with other pursuits that naturally take place in 'the wild' - AKA the outdoors - such as 'Wild Swimming.' 

Rob Greenwood, Wild Boulderer, feeling the dizzying effects of The Wilderness, or The Wild, or something.  © Tim Hill
Rob Greenwood, Wild Boulderer, feeling the dizzying effects of The Wilderness, or The Wild, or something.

In recent years, climbers have faced an identity crisis. Choosing the appropriate terminology to describe their activity has proven difficult. "Climbing was just climbing before indoor walls came about," says Jenny Hartkorr. "Then the distinction was made between indoor and outdoor climbing. Now Wild Climbing. Why do people feel the need to attach labels to everything?!"

Wild Swimmer Jim Goff believes his sport's adopted name adds depth to the experience. "Knowing that what I'm doing is classed as a bit out-there and extreme really makes up for the fact that I'm freezing my bits off out there!" he said.

The BMC clarified that the term would be applicable to all disciplines of climbing that take place in the outdoors— even bouldering. A spokesperson said:

"As long as there are no toilets, no artisan coffee and no wifi, we'd say that classes as pretty wild."

Wild Climber Dave MacLeod commented: "I'm really psyched about this news. Now my Wild Climbs will get more coverage in The Guardian and get more Instagram likes. Maybe I'll even write a book about it. Tame Climbing is for losers."

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1 Apr, 2021

Ahem, I think you will find we were ahead of the curve here.

1 Apr, 2021

Aye, there's Yorkshire... and there's everywhere else.


1 Apr, 2021

Not bad...... but 11 years and you still haven't bested this masterpiece of April Foolery.....

1 Apr, 2021

That’s great news! Now I can go wild walking to go Wild Climbing, after spending the morning Wild Gardening and visiting the local out door market or ‘Wild Shopping’.

Good effort and I applaud your article! 😂😂

1 Apr, 2021

I proposed some time ago dropping the 'r' from 'trad' so we were left with 'Rad' climbing. So yoof don't you think!

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