Toby Roberts Climbs Hubble (9a)

© Toby Roberts Collection

16-year-old Toby Roberts has continued his fine run of form by ticking Hubble (9a) (9a) at Raven Tor (Miller's Dale), The Peak District.

He first attempted the route in July 2020 after the first lockdown. It had been in the back of his mind for several years already after seeing Will Bosi climb the route back in 2016:

'I remember thinking to myself that one day I would love to climb Hubble. I then saw videos of old school room sessions and learnt about the route and its first ascent by Ben Moon, followed years later with ascents from other amazing climbers.'

Toby on his ascent of Hubble  © Toby Roberts Collection
Toby on his ascent of Hubble
© Toby Roberts Collection

After his initial session on the route, Toby was sidetracked by his attempts on Rainshadow and then a finger injury. After months of rehab, he was into competition season where he won a silver medal at the World Youth Championships in Voronezh, Russia.

'After redpointing Batman at Malham rain then stopped any progress I was making on Rainman and it seemed like a good idea to try Hubble again.

'It's now been quite a while since I've done any sustained training so I didn't know how I'd find the moves this time around - but I pretty much had the beta sorted on my first session back on it last Friday.'

Toby then returned home for a couple of days rest, before heading back on Tuesday 26th:

'When I got back to Raven Tor and got on the route earlier today I didn't feel great and couldn't really do the moves as easily as on Saturday. It was windy but the sun was out and conditions were seemingly bad - so I decided to kill a few hours along with a few others at the crag.

'Despite not feeling great earlier in the day I decided to go straight for Redpoints each time getting a little closer to sticking the drop in move. After about 20 minutes and on my 4th attempt I stuck the drop in move and I found the next 3 moves to the end of the boulder problem ok.

'Once I hit the last hold of the boulder problem I knew it was just a case of staying composed to the top - which was the same belay where I finished Revelations (8b)5 years ago!'

The past year has been exceptional for Toby who is without doubt one of the rising stars of British climbing. Last December, he became the youngest Brit to climb 9a with his ascent of Rainshadow, and more recently he ticked Batman (9a/+), also at Malham, as part of his process to climb Rainman (9b) – which we'll hopefully see him clip the chains on soon…

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Toby Roberts is a GB Junior Climbing Team member. He redpointed 8b at age 11, and in 2020 became the youngest Brit to climb 9a with an ascent of Rainshadow. He won the European Youth Boulder Championships and placed...

Toby's Athlete Page 20 posts 4 videos

27 Oct, 2021

Is Hubble a route you just "tick" these days ?

27 Oct, 2021

9a is very impressive but also not cutting edge these days. I applaud the youth seeing the sacred cows of the past as something to tick (with great satisfaction in all fairness!) and then exceed; that's how standards get pushed.

27 Oct, 2021

Well Ondra has tried it and still hasn’t managed to get up it…

Safe to say Hubble is still absolutely nails and doing it at 16 is nothing short of incredible.

27 Oct, 2021

Fantastic effort Toby, congratulations on doing such an important route. Great to see your appreciation of the development of British Sport climbing by doing the old “hardest” routes. Time to try the wall to the right,!

27 Oct, 2021

Certainly no argument there, a great achievement!

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