Ben Heason Repeats Meshuga - E9 6c

© Ben Heason Collection
Ben Heason climbing Meshuga - E9 6c at Black Rocks  © Ben Heason Collection
Ben Heason climbing Meshuga - E9 6c at Black Rocks
© Ben Heason Collection

Ben Heason climbing Meshuga - E9 6c at Black Rocks  © Ben Heason Collection
Ben Heason climbing Meshuga - E9 6c at Black Rocks
© Ben Heason Collection
On Saturday 27th March Ben Heason headpointed the Black Rocks test-piece Meshuga E9 6c.

Black Rocks is a gritstone crag located near Matlock in the Peak District.

Ben Commented:

“Meshuga is one of the few remaining grit routes I was motivated to headpoint, and I'd wanted to climb it for years; that photo of Seb on the cover of “Hard Grit”, a constant, nagging reminder. I finally got around to trying it just before Christmas and was surprised to find the quality of the climbing to be even better than I expected; but shortly afterwards I left for Spain in my van for a couple of months.

Returning from Spain's coldest winter in 95 years, having on-sighted an 8a and redpointed an 8b I knew I could climb Meshuga..."

Ben Heason is sponsored by Wild Country and Red Chili

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6 Apr, 2010
If your tired id suggest going to bed for a bit. On topic: a very impressive ascent, made it look like a piece of piss.
6 Apr, 2010
Awesome effort from Heason - more to come I'm sure. Sorry Volkman - I think we missed the news story about you doing it..... Nice one Ben
6 Apr, 2010
This route has also been soloed twice, by Kevin Jorgeson and Alex Honnold.
6 Apr, 2010
It doesn't. I'm adding more information on the route. It's history. It was repeated by Toru last summer on the same day he did Childs Play/Nocturnal Emission (Direct on Parthian Shot)
6 Apr, 2010
Nice one Ben. Made it look quite easy. I'm guessing the hardest bits are low down, just above the crap gear.
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